Timothy & Rye Or Ings?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Going to order some hay from Hay for Pets and unsure weather to get the Ings or the Timothy & Rye!

What do you guys think?
You can order little taster bags of each to try with your piggies. There's only a couple of handfuls in each bag so, depending on how many pigs you have, you might need to order lots. My piggies liked the Ings best, the Meadow hay went down quite well, but hardly touched the Timothy. Several other people have said that their pigs preferred the Ings. The hay comes in several different quantities. If you have lots of pigs, the 9 kg bale is the best option at only £16.
You can order little taster bags of each to try with your piggies. There's only a couple of handfuls in each bag so, depending on how many pigs you have, you might need to order lots. My piggies liked the Ings best, the Meadow hay went down quite well, but hardly touched the Timothy. Several other people have said that their pigs preferred the Ings. The hay comes in several different quantities. If you have lots of pigs, the 9 kg bale is the best option at only £16.

I noticed they have little taster bags but I'd rather just go all out and buy one particular bag. I only have 2 piggies but was planning on getting the 9kg bag as it works out cheaper :)
Mine have the ings :) it states it natural with no sprays used in the meadow etc :) it smells loving and my boys love it. I buy the £16 bag it lasted my 3 boys last time 4 months (I only use it as feeding hay)
I'm tagging @PiggySmitten as she has tried the Timothy one from them :)

Piggysmitten can you add the link if poss of the hay and wine bottle :) thank you
I have 8 piggies and a 9 kg bale lasts me two months. So with only two piggies, it should last you twice as long - unless your piggies are particularly greedy!
if they usually prefer softer hay then i'd go ings, but if they prefer stalkier hays then i'd get the timothy+rye. eddie loves timothy+rye. :)
Mine have the ings :) it states it natural with no sprays used in the meadow etc :) it smells loving and my boys love it. I buy the £16 bag it lasted my 3 boys last time 4 months (I only use it as feeding hay)
I'm tagging @PiggySmitten as she has tried the Timothy one from them :)
Piggysmitten can you add the link if poss of the hay and wine bottle :) thank you
4 months :eek: That's ages! Must be a really big bag! I'd only be using it for feeding too. I currently buy soft meadow hay from elsewhere which they really like so was thinking of using both but maybe not if this one lasts that long!

I have 8 piggies and a 9 kg bale lasts me two months. So with only two piggies, it should last you twice as long - unless your piggies are particularly greedy!
They are quite greedy but I'd think this bag should last me a while. I might get a smaller bag then as I was planning on using the meadow hay I currently use just now as my girls really like it but also want a nice yummier hay for them.

if they usually prefer softer hay then i'd go ings, but if they prefer stalkier hays then i'd get the timothy+rye. eddie loves timothy+rye. :)
It's difficult to say as the hay I use just now is soft and they're always munching away but then the Alfafa King Timothy hay is more stalky and they love that too! I only buy that occasionally though. I think I order the taster pack along with whichever bag I decide to go for :)
the piggies say buy both! :)):)):))

i'm always shocked how long people make the bags last though to be honest. :eek: we get through them alot quicker although i'm over generous with hay. :)) but it's the best thing for them and they eat a huge amount so why not :))
the piggies say buy both! :)):)):))

i'm always shocked how long people make the bags last though to be honest. :eek: we get through them alot quicker although i'm over generous with hay. :)) but it's the best thing for them and they eat a huge amount so why not :))

Haha I don't have room to store both! I too am overgenerous as like you, I don't see the harm in it! I am happy seeing them stuff their little faces with hay as I know it's good for them :D
Haha I don't have room to store both! I too am overgenerous as like you, I don't see the harm in it! I am happy seeing them stuff their little faces with hay as I know it's good for them :D

storage is a problem in our house aswell. there are boxes of hay in random places! :))

o/h says i give them too much hay, but if you're going to over-do one thing, then hay is it the one to go for :))
storage is a problem in our house aswell. there are boxes of hay in random places! :))

o/h says i give them too much hay, but if you're going to over-do one thing, then hay is it the one to go for :))

Haha that's true! Does the hay from H4P come in a sack type thing or is it a box?
Will have a look for the link. The bags are big. I've got 3 groups of piggies. They all like the Ings. I've tried all 3 types from HayforPets and they've all been good. You can't really go wrong. I wouldn't bother with the taster bags, just buy one sort first, the other next until you've been through all three. I agree with @biscandmatt that the Timothy one is more stalky. I will probably alternate purchases like this in future having now tried all three: Ings, Ings, Timothy and rye, Ings, ings, Timothy and rye etc. the Ings seemed overall preferred more than the meadow hay one amongst my groups.
Will have a look for the link. The bags are big. I've got 3 groups of piggies. They all like the Ings. I've tried all 3 types from HayforPets and they've all been good. You can't really go wrong. I wouldn't bother with the taster bags, just buy one sort first, the other next until you've been through all three. I agree with @bis

agree with this. we also get the meadow for the hay area and it's lovely and soft :)
If you have space and money you could buy both types and mix them if the piggies like both. I have done that this time and put it all in a double quilt cover :)
I have in my head that Timothy hay is better for guinea pigs and that's why I am considering Timothy but everyone's pigs seem to love Ings! Is there much difference in terms of benefits to piggies?
I have in my head that Timothy hay is better for guinea pigs and that's why I am considering Timothy but everyone's pigs seem to love Ings! Is there much difference in terms of benefits to piggies?
I may be totally wrong but I think the benefits of timothy hay are dental related. All the hays from hayforpets are long cuts (30cm plus length strands) which helps in terms of chewing which is the main way to keep teeth down. But what's in the back of your mind is the reason why I will buy the timothy in rotation with the Ings.
I may be totally wrong but I think the benefits of timothy hay are dental related. All the hays from hayforpets are long cuts (30cm plus length strands) which helps in terms of chewing which is the main way to keep teeth down. But what's in the back of your mind is the reason why I will buy the timothy in rotation with the Ings.
Thanks for that. I think I have decided. Think I'm going to go for the Ings this time and try the Timothy next time :)
3 pigs and 3 months, 8 pigs and 2 months...But how? :)

Am I doing something wrong? :)
I have 4 piggies and a 9kgs bale enough for 5 weeks... :D
I use it only for feeding from a hay-feeder, they pull out a lot, so I must throw the pulled-out hay to the bin every day, because it will be wet.
3 pigs and 3 months, 8 pigs and 2 months...But how? :)

Am I doing something wrong? :)
I have 4 piggies and a 9kgs bale enough for 5 weeks... :D
I use it only for feeding from a hay-feeder, they pull out a lot, so I must throw the pulled-out hay to the bin every day, because it will be wet.
I use hay feeders with my group of 4 and one of my pairs and just put it in the bedroom for the other pair. In my group of 4 I also put hay loose in the hay loft. I get through 9kg in 6-8 weeks I think. The hay lofts are refilled every day. They are always empty and I refill as soon as they are empty. I do clear up hay on the floor daily too but perhaps mine don't leave so much on the floor as yours!
I've tried all the hays, started off with the timothy and stopped as I have 2 piggies who kept getting pokes, so moved onto Ings they seemed to like it but Rory was being so fussy! So stopped went back to local pet shop and a farm shop. Decided to try the meadow and it's been a success! Plus it makes good bedding material too as its so soft :)
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