Tilly update!

Hope shes alright still 🤞

My friend is having trouble with her rabbit narla now. Blockage in intestines somewhere, shes at abington vets overnight. I prey shes alright, she has a husband rabbit at home
Tilly has been eating a little and is taking syringe food well too. The abscess is draining nicely and Simon will see her again on Monday. I am really hoping that Tilly will now make steady progress.

Huge thanks for all the good wishes and we are really grateful for the donations we have received, towards Tilly's treatment.
Hope shes alright still 🤞

My friend is having trouble with her rabbit narla now. Blockage in intestines somewhere, shes at abington vets overnight. I prey shes alright, she has a husband rabbit at home
@furryfriends (TEAS) . Just updating because you reacted to the post with a sad emoji. My friends rabbits has pulled through her illness and is eating and pooing again. Another success by abington vets.
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