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thirsty guinea pig?

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one of my girls seems to be constantly drinking
this could be me being paranoid after we lost one of our girls a few weeks ago
i know its a good sign that they're drinking, but everythime i hear one of them on the water bottle its the same one
she drinks a lot
could it be anything else?
How much is she drinking?

Has there been a change in her drinking habbits?

You say you lost one was it a cage mate of thee drinking piggy? The reason I ask is I had a rescue pig here and he was a big drinker, turns out the water spout gave him comfort and reassurance.

If she is drinking a lot for no real reason I would take her to the vet to check for diabetes or kidney problems.

Hope she is ok.

zoe has started to drink a lot of water too at least 1 bottle a day, jessie 3 quarters of a bottle a day think it is because she is inside and we have the heater on to keep the lounge warm. i would try to get a urine sample and take it to the vets for testing. good luck O0 sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: maybe your piggy likes the sound the bottle makes i know faline the bunny does. 98) 98) 98)
It might just be coincidence but my boar started drinking loads more after his brother died. Also I had just moved house so it was a new environment. I think it was just a phase though he went back to normal. I am interested you said your sow is doing it after you lost one of your guineas, maybe it's a grief thing.
It doesn't help when they're in the same room as you - the ones in my living room I worry about constantly, because you see everything they're up to! Out of a pair of boars, one is constantly drinking (I think he likes the noise the bottle makes) and one hardly seems to at all -but they are both healthy. Some just drink more than others. If it's a change in behaviour i.e she didn't used to drink much before, it's worth keeping an eye on her and perhaps getting her seen by a vet just to put your mind at rest.

thanks everyone i'll watch her shes in the run now and seems happy enough, perhaps she just drinks more than the other one
Fill the water bottle daily and take note of how much she is drinking daily. Like S & T said it may worth getting her checked out for things like diabetes to be on the safe side :)
Huxley has started drinking loads again, or sometimes we think he is playing with his bottle! Could your girlie be doing this? I have heard that some pigs like to blow the little balll bearing back up the tube! 98)
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