The Weirdest Thing!


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
Kingwood, Texas
Ok, so I've been researching this but cannot come to a conclusion...
yesterday I was lying down to take a nap. Then I heard hooting from Chester and it went away he just had allergies to my new bedding setup... ( I had also just gave them each a huge pile of hay to play with)

So anyway I finally calmed down from the idea, then I heard whistling from Bojangles... and I was like well I am near a window maybe here's a bird? I look out. Empty. Then Chester whistles! They're separated currently and they whistled off and on for like 5 minutes with eachother, even making eye contact at one point
What is this ? could it be that they were just happy about the bedding setup and the fact I plopped a huge thing of hay in their cages? Wish I got video!
@sport_billy I don't think so. I've heard all those noises and it was definitely whistling. I looked it up, and it means they are very excitable about something, apparently. Chester, who almost has shown no sign of affection to anything so far, popcorned earlier today after I gave them hay! I didn't know what it was and I thought he was thrashing but anyway I saw the other do that in his igloo but not for as long as Chester did it. They also yawn cozily, make happy noises that I've looked up and lots of them yesterday
Hmmmmmm, a mystery, if it happens again try and catch it on video
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Omg my dad just said that they were making bird noises and I know they were whistling again I walked in the room and they were in their halves looking at each other and then they ran into their igloos this is so weird!
They stand on the ground look at each other and whistle loudly as if to communicate to each other, and my more tame pig Bojangles never runs away when I walk in the room but I walked in the room and they both ran off