The Things We Say


Forum Buddy
Nov 27, 2017
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East Riding of Yorksire
Inspired by a digression on another thread from @HeatherRose how about all those things we say that don’t always translate so well.
Every language and culture has them.

Here’s one to start:
All Queen Anne in front and Mary Anne behind.

Meaning looks good on the outside but cheap and shoddy underneath.

Now add your own
Until I moved up North I’d not heard the saying “All fur coat and no knickers” (and not always in relation to people but in relation to a variety of situations). I have heard heard it said a lot over the years. I think its meaning is that the reality may differ somewhat from the appearance.
Oooh boy.

"Catch yourself on" - get a grip.
"Takin' a dander" - going for a walk
"Poke" - ice cream
"gravy ring" - you know those ring doughnuts, the one with no filling? Aye, that's a gravy ring.
"give us a juke" - could I have a look?
"have a hoak in the drawer" - go take a look in the drawer
"half cut" - drunk
"fish supper" - fish and chips
"I'll run ye over" - this one always makes me laugh. Means "I'll take you there", you over, lol.

And obviously, we can't forget the craic dealers and addicts. :))

Oh, and I forgot the most important one! Be aware if any Irish person tells you something's just around the corner, or just down the road. This has been known to mean something's up to 20-odd miles away.
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Like putting lipstick on a pig!

Superficial improvements don’t help, a pig is a pig (can be a person or anything you can’t make any better)
I don’t have anything particularly weird but just an odd quirk. Apparently in my area we have an obsession with the word “then”. I only realized it after my science teacher (from a different area) commented on it.

Example: “I’ll take you over then.” (Then could be in two seconds or two hours...depends on the context or the mood you’re in haha)

I’ll keep an ear out for some odd ‘Mercian ones...