Dear Oreo,
Overall I do like living with you, particularly when there are big loud thunderstorms and I can rush to comfort you in a very manly way.
Because I am manly, and I am never scared.
But we need to talk about the pink strawberry house.
This house is mine, and I like to sleep in it in a very special way.
When I am in the pink strawberry I always like to lay under the flimsy floor pad that came with it.
This allows me to slowly destroy the even flimsier base material.
This is my special strawberry house, and it needs to be appreciated in a way that only I can.
However when you come into the strawberry house with me it doesn't work at all.
You plonk your bottom down on the flimsy floor pad (and it isn't a very small bottom while we are on the topic), and I can't get underneath it to continue destroying things.
Destroying things is what I do.
I hope this is clear.
Love Eddi xx
Overall I do like living with you, particularly when there are big loud thunderstorms and I can rush to comfort you in a very manly way.
Because I am manly, and I am never scared.
But we need to talk about the pink strawberry house.
This house is mine, and I like to sleep in it in a very special way.
When I am in the pink strawberry I always like to lay under the flimsy floor pad that came with it.
This allows me to slowly destroy the even flimsier base material.
This is my special strawberry house, and it needs to be appreciated in a way that only I can.

However when you come into the strawberry house with me it doesn't work at all.
You plonk your bottom down on the flimsy floor pad (and it isn't a very small bottom while we are on the topic), and I can't get underneath it to continue destroying things.
Destroying things is what I do.

I hope this is clear.
Love Eddi xx