The Strawberry House By Eddi

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Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
Zürich, Switzerland
Dear Oreo,

Overall I do like living with you, particularly when there are big loud thunderstorms and I can rush to comfort you in a very manly way.
Because I am manly, and I am never scared.

But we need to talk about the pink strawberry house.
This house is mine, and I like to sleep in it in a very special way.
When I am in the pink strawberry I always like to lay under the flimsy floor pad that came with it.
This allows me to slowly destroy the even flimsier base material.
This is my special strawberry house, and it needs to be appreciated in a way that only I can.

However when you come into the strawberry house with me it doesn't work at all.
You plonk your bottom down on the flimsy floor pad (and it isn't a very small bottom while we are on the topic), and I can't get underneath it to continue destroying things.
Destroying things is what I do.

I hope this is clear.
Love Eddi xx
:lol!: Brilliant!

Look at that face! Great photos and letter. I hope Oreo takes note :nod:

Where did you get the strawberry house?
I'll bet Oreo didn't even wipe his paws before entering the pink piggy pad, how inconsiderate! :))
:PGreat story. It's fairly cheered me up.
He looks so angry in the bottom picture.
:lol!: Brilliant!

Look at that face! Great photos and letter. I hope Oreo takes note :nod:

Where did you get the strawberry house?

The strawberry house came from Ebay ad we ordered 2 from the same seller at the same time.
The pink one has stood up pretty well (although Eddi is slowly destroying it in his own way).
But the blue one didn't survive the first wash!
I keep meaning to try and find a pattern to sew an 'igloo' type house for them because they all love them, but we only have 1 left now.
He certainly does look cheesed off! I have just got my lot a red strawberry house but haven't given it to them yet as I am awaiting some pee pads I have ordered from Ziggies Piggies. I think the floor pad it comes with isn't all that brilliant!
He certainly does look cheesed off! I have just got my lot a red strawberry house but haven't given it to them yet as I am awaiting some pee pads I have ordered from Ziggies Piggies. I think the floor pad it comes with isn't all that brilliant!
The floor pad is rubbish (at least our was).
Eddi is not a burrower at ll, but he loves sitting with that silly floor pad on his head.
Poor Eddi.
House mates can be such a pain sometimes, can't they?
Trying to make out that your habits of, for example, lying down with the flooring on your head are somehow weird or abnormal.
:)) Awww Eddi you are funny! I am so pleased we got to see your handsomeness and Oreo's bottom in the last photo :drool:
Aww, Eddi, you dude. Your face is a picture in the second photo. How very rude of Oreo to force her way in and spoil your special way of sleeping in your strawberry house. We can start an online pigtition.
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