The POWER of the Forum!

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Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
North Norfolk UK
Just got this email! ;D :D ;D
Dear Mr Luton-Brown
Thank you for your email. I am sorry for the delay in responding to your concerns over the Tesco Value Rabbit Hutch that we have been selling. As a result of customer feedback for this product, our Buyer and Technicians have reviewed the specification for this product. I can confirm that we have taken the decision to withdraw this product from sale with immediate effect. Once again, I would like to apologise that we have given you cause for concern and thank you for taking the time to bring your comments to our attention. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] quoting TES4652957X.
Kind Regards
Lynne OrmsbyTesco Customer Service
Hooray! Hooray! ;D ;D

They haven't replied to me yet -but I'm so pleased! I wonder how many complaints they got? What a good result.

Well done everyone]

Brilliant news, I haven't received mine as yet but then I am on the upstairs computer and can't check AOL from here. :)

Goes to show what we can achieve when we pull together! :smitten:
well done. O0 O0 O0
Woooooooohooooooooooooooooo! Well done us!

I havent got a reply yet though.
well done you lot, I felt dead bad buying stuff in both my tescos stores the other day the home store and general store but I did wonder why I couldnt see any of the hutches you have mentioned and now I know why O0
We should let Watchdog know as sometimes they report when companies do the right thing. :)
Hehe Ron could be Prime Minister! :D

I got the email too! Great news! ;)
Damonshumanslave said:
Woooooooohooooooooooooooooo! Well done us!

I havent got a reply yet though.

me tooooo but not bothered aslong as off sale O0

All i can say is well done to everyone here who sent emails i'm sure others helped
see a lot of people biting does make a differance!
Ron x
I got the email too ;D
Quite impressed they used our individual names too :D
A week ago my Tesco had a huge new pet section, today they were taking it all down :D No hutches and stuff any more! Looks like your good work has paid off. ALTHOUGH... They were selling the rabbit hutches off for £15 and had one left. If it there tomorrow I am actually going to buy it mainly so no stupid person goes and buys it for a poor rabbit and secondly I am going to turn the mesh door in to a solid door and use it to store my bunny's food it. He eats for england being a big lop and the sheds are totally full of junk and bulk hey and straw (straw for bunny not piggies), food, and summer runs.
Excellent news, they had not sent me a reply yet but I am chuffed to bits that they are no longer selling thisp roduct ;D
fab news O0 O0 O0 well done the forum 8)
What was wrong with this hutch, I must have missed all the threads about this, was it way too small or something?

Whatever it is, it sounds like good news!
Thanks Sophiew

2x2.5ft? maybe to put as an extra hidey hole in the run in summer, but surely not for living in, that seems really small >:( I hope for the sake of the people's piggies who have already bought these that they are fox proof.

Thank goodness they've dumped them.
P@H sell hutches that are just as small though! We have all moaned at Tesco, but there are plenty of other places that think it is acceptable to sell unsuitable but cheap housing for animals. :tickedoff:
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