The Pigs Don't Appreciate A Clean Cage.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 6, 2016
Reaction score
I've come to the conclusion that Beans and Toast don't appreciate all my hard work of cleaning their cage.

Today was fleece change day, I love when the cage has just been changed and everything looks perfect.

Enter the pigs. They don't feel quite the same as I do about a tidy cage.

This was just after I had cleaned it.

And this was about an hour later...

I'm going to sit them down and have a long talk about housekeeping, and the fact that they live here for free. If they don't get their act together I'll have no choice but to start charging them... :roll:
Ha ha, ours are the same! Piggies are such messy little cuties... You have to forgive them :)

Lovely to see the delicious Miss Beans and Miss Toast :drool:
Two piggies in aaaaall that space!? Wow! Pampered piggies :wub: They must've been very busy trashing the place :))
They started in a 5x2 but they weren't getting on very well, (they both like to be the boss) so had to extend. They're best friends now, and team up to destroy the place :P
Wow, lovely cage clean pic, so much room as well for the spoiled piggies.
I've contemplated getting rid of my cage liners because getting the hay off it is just so difficult sometimes. It sticks to everything! lol
Wow, lovely cage clean pic, so much room as well for the spoiled piggies.
I've contemplated getting rid of my cage liners because getting the hay off it is just so difficult sometimes. It sticks to everything! lol
Tell me about it! Getting hay off fleece is such a stressful experience. I usually end up with clean hay coming back out of the washing machine :P
Why must they empty the hay on to the floor?! Does it taste better that way? :doh:

I've just checked with Mollie and Mabel. They say it tastes far better all over the floor, especially when they've scent marked it and peed on it. They think Beans and Toast have done a great job.
My two have a hay area one end of their cage with two bendy bridges they hide under them and munch hay and grass then go i to the fleece lined part to chillax.

The hay area is lined with a cheapmpoundland tarp and newspaper. They have fleece mats in the log hidies. They wee mainly in the hay area. They do still poo eveywhere though ...
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