The Pigmas Christmas Photo Thread!

I'd love to find a hamster under my tree:D (like that is EVER going to happen!:soz:)

My mom would agree with you @Betsy. She got a dwarf hamster last Christmas (now a very round dwarf hamster!) and she would love another. I don’t think it’s going to happen for her either lol.
I’ve had the privilege of cuddling this little dude :wub: and a cracker he is too! :love:
Thank you @Tim, Zeb is indeed a lovely pig. Poor boy has a URI at the moment which doesn't seem to want to go away, unfortunately. :no:
I'm just going to dig up some of my out-takes form the 'photoshoot' and post them on the other thread ...
I don't really know how you can convince your piggies to remain still in a nice pose...
Well, sending all of you the best "Christmas hugs" from Italy I add these new pics taken just today with my daughters.
(this morning Osvaldo celebrated his Christmas mounting Calipso :twist:, the sow who attacked him during the bonding; there was blood between them in the past but today it's a day of Peace&Love:wub:)
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