The person below me.

Oh so true-Peanut just loves to flick all his poo water right at me

The person below me has spent $/£100+ on guinea pig items (not food) in the past week.
Oh so true-Peanut just loves to flick all his poo water right at me

The person below me has spent $/£100+ on guinea pig items (not food) in the past week.
Mine was a bum bath because Womble's legs looked a little grubby and to groom him, also put coconut oil on his feet. :) Womble likes to shake, leap out the bath, leg it and do angry poops all over the towels...

Not this week, but just after Christmas I spent a small fortune on them.

The person below me has several different pets in the same house.
I’m sure Wombles and Peanut would bond over the sole fact of causing trouble during bath time..

False-only the two pigs!

The person below me has had to separate piggies due to fighting.
Not really. . I'm on furlough so I'm binge watching lots. On Marcella series 3 part 1 at the moment Tonight getting some peace. . 2 piggies last night in same room as tv.. chattered. :whistle: rumbled :whistle: humped for hours :doh: Tonight they ok. .
Person below would like or have had 1 this year. 1612217807129-483261312.webp
No not had one yet and no don't want to have one either. FAR to many syns! Why would I waste 9 syns on a creme egg when I can happily drink 2 glasses of wine for 10 syns?

The person below me needs a holiday!

the person below me wants to go to bed but their pets (gerbils in this case) want attention and they feel guilty leaving them alone to stare out of the cage?
No not had one yet and no don't want to have one either. FAR to many syns! Why would I waste 9 syns on a creme egg when I can happily drink 2 glasses of wine for 10 syns?

The person below me needs a holiday!
I don't know what syns are . . But I think they yummy. :clap: eggs I mean.
I don't drink at home. . :beer:
Just bit cider now and then. . I only get cider for the box. . Piggie tunnel. Lol.
False done that and the hutch was done yesterday.

The person below me has just been on a walk.
Does walking round Lidl count? 😆

The person below me is going to have breakfast.
False almost time for lunch for me!

The person below me has lots to do today so is procrastinating and looking at the Forum instead!
False. Sweet potato fries, bacon and salad for me!

The person below me needs to make butternut squash and red pepper soup for lunch tomorrow.
False. Sweet potato fries, bacon and salad for me!

The person below me needs to make butternut squash and red pepper soup for lunch tomorrow.
False! Probs having a sandwich but sounds yum!

The person below me wants a roomba vaccum but doesn’t have enough money
False. I'm not sure how well a Roomba would work in our house to be honest. Plus my cat is a jerk and I bet he'd push it down the stairs.

The person below me is thinking about getting another cup of tea.
False tea is :vom:.

The person below me has just finished knitting 2 arms and a head.
False, I can't knit, my nan tried to teach me when I was a teenager but I haven't got the coordination.

The person below me uses excessive emojis. 🙄😂😋
Yes by literally all my pets :bye::no::xd:

the person below me has procrastinated all day with things other than what they were supposed to do
No, never done that, sounds interesting

The person below me is in the middle of making curtains