Mrs Tiggy Winkle
Teenage Guinea Pig
The person below me has to write lots of emails and letters today
The person below me has to write lots of emails and letters today
Not jealous at all, reallyFalse
the person below me is melting - It's 33 degrees Celsius (91.4 Fahrenheit) with humidity around 70%
Were you tempted?False
The person below me went to the pet store today. They had two pairs of guinea pigs and were labeled as a beginner pet. So not for beginners!
I didn't realise piggies need to be got up! I thought they got themselves up, including for midnight snacks and 3AM zoomies.False
The person below me should be getting the piggies up but hasn't done yet (Miss Bramble gave me permission to get them up late so no snitching to the GPU you lot!)
My piggies spend the night in the hutch in the garage, then spend all day in the run in the garage and then I put them back in the hutch for overnight. I like to give them a change of scenery and the run is 16 sq ft where the hutch is 12 sq ft so there is more space for them to explore and have fun. They have the occasional "Duvet Day" when I'm out all day and leave them in the hutch. Every morning they get cuddles, combs and coriander.I didn't realise piggies need to be got up! I thought they got themselves up, including for midnight snacks and 3AM zoomies.
Anyway, FALSE. Don't have piggies anymore.
The person below me is writing silly things on some website.
To 1. - I stand corrected. That's quite the morning routine! I'm all for guineas having space to explore :-)1. My piggies spend the night in the hutch in the garage, then spend all day in the run in the garage and then I put them back in the hutch for overnight. I like to give them a change of scenery and the run is 16 sq ft where the hutch is 12 sq ft so there is more space for them to explore and have fun. They have the occasional "Duvet Day" when I'm out all day and leave them in the hutch. Every morning they get cuddles, combs and coriander.
False to writing silly things on some website.
2. The person below me has just got out of the bath.
It takes me a good half an hour every morning. If it's a cleaning out day then it can be well over an hour! I have to get up early some days to sort them out!I stand corrected. That's quite the morning routine! I'm all for guineas having space to explore :-)