The person below me.

Sunday is no work day for me

The person below me is tired today
The person below me is hoping to get all the work she should have done today done tomorrow 🤗
True. Have so much to do tomorrow now as going away to New York at stupid o'clock on Friday morning, I may have to cancel the gym. Still haven't decided yet .......

The person below me needs to do some ironing tomorrow.
False, I have never been to a proper gym

The person below me is going out this weekend
True. I'm going out a very long way around 3,400 miles in fact. I'm off to New York!

The person below me has their piggies in boarding this weekend.
I hope you enjoy New York! I actually lived in the suburbs there for a time.

The person below me is looking forward to the week.
True there's always gardening to do here! The OH was out at 8am this morning cutting down a very large dying Camelia. He stopped a third of the way through because the garden bin was full then he went to work.

The person below me has just made a bacon salad to have for lunch.