The person below me.

True - I’m starving !

The person below me has just read the gas and electricity meters - smart meter query !
The person below me found a new fishing spot. Me and my family go to the new fishing creek to catch yabbies. (Yabbies are a type of freshwater lobster) It's so much fun!
But well done you Merab’s slave 🥰

The person below me has had a lovely day
Last meal was breakfast for me

The person below me is enjoying a beautiful autumnal day
Doof is going to the vet for a tooth trim, and they always trim her nails while she’s under but never take enough off for it to matter.

The person below me has had at least 3 groups of piggies.
Two boars keep me busy 😂

The person below me is glad to be indoors on a rainy blustery evening 😬

The person below me is exhausted after a plane delay at the end of their holiday which meant instead of being tucked up by midnight they were still on the plane and didn't get home until 4am this morning!
Oh no Betsy sorry to hear that - thank goodness you’re home safe and sound !
We’ve missed you 🥰

The person below me has washing blowing dry on the washing line outside 😀
Sorry your son is unwell @ Rosalina. Hope he feels better soon.
The stuffed loaf was delicious.
It’s very easy.
Take a batch of bread dough and roll / pull into an oblong. Spread gently cooked onion & peppers over it then roll up like a Swiss roll and bake.

False - I don’t have a son.

The person below me needs to do a proper deep clean of the cage today
Thank you Merab’s slave ….that sounds delish and I’m going to try that tomorro 🥰


The person below me is helping her daughter move some logs 😬
False - I only have sons.

The person below me is supposed to be listing stuff on ebay so that when it sells it will give a much needed boost to the vet fund.
( try not to do ironing !)

The person below me is reading a newspaper
False - just about to do it.
There’s a riot going on the cage at the moment and it sounds as if the brand new hay stuffed bag won’t last the evening!

The person below me can hear very noisy piggies