The person below me.

True just relaxing with a glass of wine.

The person below me went to the gym this morning.

The person below me has been enjoying the lovely evening outside in the garden
False but I did do some gardening earlier this evening.

The person below me needs to give the piggies their supper.

The person below me is enjoying the lovely fresh berries on offer

The person below me is just about to give their piggies veg dinner and remembers they cleaned out the hutch this morning (Shy Little Meggypops) and has to sort her hutch out before she can go back in it!
False - although the cage does need cleaning.
Piggies demanded afternoon veggies as soon as I walked in

The person below me had a working lunch today
The person below me is getting their stitches out from having had a tooth operation.

At least that horrid tooth has gone !

The person below me is enjoying the cooler evening air
False - just had my breakfast.

The person below me is just about to hang the washing out before putting on another load.
Only one lot tho

The person below me is just enjoying a coffee
I’ve had some chickens and a cockerel before ….so lovely ! Enjoy them Zorro1

The person below me has just watched a scary movie and doesn’t want to leave the sofa 👻😬
False but my breadmaker has made a loaf of bread! I have no input into this except for putting the correct amount of ingredients in at the correct weight and switching the breadmaker on.

The person below me has had lunch alfresco today.
But well done Merab’s Slave …very satisfying !

The person below me is tidying the piggies home

The person below me is enjoying some wine tonight as they have pulled the short straw and is driving tomorrow night.