The person below me.

True (I'm not at all looking at you, Stella!)

The person below me has a teddy guinea pig
False - I did that about 11.30 last night.

The person below me got up early and had a shower (I've not had the energy to have a shower for a couple of days as I'm still recovering)
False - I did that about 11.30 last night.

The person below me got up early and had a shower (I've not had the energy to have a shower for a couple of days as I'm still recovering)
Ah I hope you’re getting better every day Betsy 🥰

The person below me is just doing some ironing
Ah I hope you’re getting better every day Betsy 🥰
Yes, thank you @Roselina I feel a bit stronger every day. Just got to remember I have to take it slowly. It's a bit hard as I'm usually buzzing around like a blue ar*e fly! I do the essentials and anything else is a bonus.
Yes, thank you @Roselina I feel a bit stronger every day. Just got to remember I have to take it slowly. It's a bit hard as I'm usually buzzing around like a blue ar*e fly! I do the essentials and anything else is a bonus.
Ah make the most of this time Betsy …you’ll soon be buzzing about again

The person below me needs to go into the garden buts it’s very hot

The person below me is clearing out the shed but has stopped for a cup of tea