The person below me.

True. Hours staring at my computer to complete assignments has me pretty worn. Maybe I’ll try those blue light glasses.

The person below me thinks that wearing mismatched socks is okay.
Yes, yes, yes! I recently took the plunge and dove into Game of Thrones. Amazing books!

The person below me is allergic to peanuts:inn:
False - had a curry that was full of peanuts
the person below me just gave his/her piggy something to eat
False but need to give them forage for lunch in a bit.

The person below me has had a busy morning.
False. Its been lovely this afternoon. Sun shining and I have got 2 piggy washes dry outside.

The person below me opened a bottle of Wednesday wine earlier.:beer:

The person below me has to make a Simnel Cake for WI next week. (We are doing guess the weight of the cake to raise money for the Ukraine. Normally WI's are restricted to local charities only but the Committee felt that this was extenuating and exceptional circumstances so was OK.)
True, It's coming into winter for sure
the person below me set up an outdoor enclosure for their piggy to roam on the grass

The person below me thinks the weather is weird atm. We have sunshine and small snowflakes!
True - blue sky and hail which has now turned into grey sky and sleet

The person below me needs the hot water bottle again tonight