The person below me.

True - steam salmon with fresh ginger (lots of it) and spring onions. Heat up Sesame oil, soy sauce, and chilli flakes til nice and hot and pour it over the salmon. Serve with rice. Its a Cantonese dish!

The person below me hates doing dishes!
There’s some lovely shops in Liverpool
Never been to Liverpool. I'll have to do some investigating .....

True (that's what the dryer is for!)

The person below me loves houseplants
Yes but I always forget to water them so they don't last long.

The person below me can't wait to see a very lovely friend in around 10 weeks. (It's been put off twice because of Covid!)
No but I'm looking forward to attending a buffet in May.

The person below me is home alone tonight.
False just had my breakfast.

The person below me has to take their OH to the train station this afternoon.
True ( where to take my dogs so I can visit my son)

The person below me is waiting for a package in the male
She fell backwards down the stairs from top to bottom a few days ago and is all bruised and can hardly move. I suggested she went to hospital for a check over but she refused insisting she is OK. She is not OK.
How awful! I hope she hasn’t done serious damage and is on the mend soon! Sending love 💕

The person below is jealous of Merab’s Slave …and wishes they had done that baking 😉