The Person Below Me!

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Sort of! Buying stuff for the pigs!

TPBM Has had guinea pigs for over 6 months
Oops...rubywinz, we posted at the same time (almost)!

Only owned piggies for a month...

TPBM has more than two pigs
I don't as it get's stick in my teeth! Like lollipops and stuff. Can't say no to a bit of chocolate mind... :))
TPBM loves the smell of guinea piggy!
Hmm...I sometimes like it...I like the piggy smell, but not the piggy CAGE smell.

TPBM is not a first time piggy owner!
Yes, I have three of each! Three boars (two neutured) and three sows (one spayed)!

TPBM has hamsters.
Yes I do. Alby has chewed all the corex at the sides of his n fudges ramp. :no:

TPBM has a red car.
I happen to dislike insects, give me the creeps anything smaller than a mouse. Just ew!

TPBM has children
Already been asked :P Does 5 months count?

TPBM Is mentally a vegetarian ( doesn't like where meat comes from and just thinks ewww! but still eats it )
Me! I think they are starting to film it again soon if they haven't already started?

TPBM Has a little cubby house
I made mine yesterday :))
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