The fellowship of the fridge.

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Ooh what are they getting?

many, many tubes which I have been collecting for them to chew -View attachment 168123
Ones already been a little chewed:
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Then they are getting this seagrass teepee thingy:
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(turned out to be much bigger than I expected but that’s great because it’ll last longer)
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a small hay cube

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and I am most exited about this one- birch tunnel with foragey goodness inside.

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all will be wrapped up in this mouse wrapping paper, so they can chew through it and “open their presents”. I’m really looking forward to it - way more than I probably should...
I’ll post lots of photos on the big day so be prepared for spam.
Oh that’s so cool! Can’t wait to see them open their presents 😃
Alrighty - the gerbils have been asleep all afternoon lol, woke them up for a bit to give them their pressies and have left them to open them now - I’ll post an update in a few hours when they’ve completely demolished all the beautiful wrapping paper, but for now here’s a lot of pictures.
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I'm going to have to post in two batches because I took so many photos. XD
hehe turns out I thought they were smarter than they are and they hadn't touched the wrapping paper! Either that or they were admiring its adorableness and didn't want to chew it up... XD
I'll post more photos soon after dinner - the girls love the hay cube. :)
Aww what lovely pics :luv: :luv: Hope they had fun, looks like they’ve had a busy night! Such little gorgeous bubbies! :love::love:
Nothing so far...:
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Oh wait - is that a nose?
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Oh my...
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^ the gerbils were gifted a garden playpen yesterday after some inspiration from the gerbil forum. They enjoyed it...

Had to decide whether the next photo was appropriate to post as Pippin is doing something less than dignifying, but I figured it was too funny not to...

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Ay... anyway I’ll spam with some piggies to wash that away.

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“you got pea flakes?”
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Lovely pics! :love: Even if Pippin’s a bit rude! :))
Hope the gerbies had fun though, what a brilliant idea for them to have a play in :D
Thanks! Yep, Pippin has always been that kind of gerbil... My fault for taking the picture of course!
They did have a lot of fun - the gerbils obviously can't go outside like the guinea pigs (in summer) so it's nice to bring them a mock-garden - they just got a little mucky on their tootsies and tummys... :wub:
Just caught up on this thread. They are all so cute and adorable! :love: It has been awhile since I've seen gerbils; my mom had Smokey and Bandit and they were so much fun. We found out by accident that they love to eat crickets as one got into their home and they had a grand time chasing it and eating it. Out of curiosity, how big of a home do gerbils need? I think (if I remember right) they need a friend like guinea pigs? If so, is there a limit on how many gerbils can be together?
Gerbils are some of the very best creatures on Earth. (In my opinion) They're so fun and energetic and they can also have such a close bond with their owners and each other.
Gerbils need a big enough home to run around and burrow and get lots of enrichment. I'd say 80 x 50cm as a minimum. Some German forums recommend 100 x 50 as a minimum which is a pretty decent size. Mine are in a 115 x 50 x 75cm cage which works nicely for 2 or 3 gerbils. As with guinea pigs, the bigger the better.
They do need a friend, they're highly social and can get lonely if they're kept on their own.
Most people keep gerbils in twos as there's the least chance of dominant behaviours and declans with them. You can keep them in threes but sometimes you can get 2 being bullies to the 3rd and that could turn nasty. Three need more space than 2 to keep them happy. When you get to four there is a much higher chance of de-clan than with two, and you'd need a lot of space to keep them happy. Not many people keep more than 4 because the odds of de-clan are now very high - like keeping guinea pig boars in groups larger than two. It could be possible, with a mahoosive cage, but really "herds" of gerbils don't work in captivity as they would in the wild.
So I'd say 4 is the maximum, but 2 or 3 is a more secure option.
Warning, extra long post. (Sorry)

This is Frodo.
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He is also known as Mr Baggins, munchkin, nutter, quite a variety.
He doesn't mind cuddles as long as his slave doesn't stroke him. But if he is stroked, it can only mean war.
He goes crazy for pea flakes so his slave needs to be strong and not give him loads at one time, but the will of the pig-jedi is strong...
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(His Royal majesty reaching for a
Another thing to note is he is very much the boss pig - he takes great pleasure in stealing food from his buddy. So he must be treated with respect.

This is Sam.
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Also known by Sammy, Samwise, Mr Gamgee and more.
Sam is a sweety and has captured his slave's heart. Now all he needs to do is dangle it above the fires of Mount Doom...
Sam, unlike Frodo, is a shy little pig, but very whiny too. He doesn't like cuddles except with his beloved (hopefully) slave. With his slave he is very quiet and trusting. But he whines if he is stroked. He also must know food is near at ALL times, or he will cry.
His favourite food is green beans.
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This was one of those times when his good-for-nothing slave forgot to bring veggies to the cuddle area. Sam found this unacceptable,especially as it was the one night he needed the most comfort (5th of November) - so to teach the slave a lesson, he pooped 2 poops on the bed.

This is Merry.
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She is a gerbil, in case it escaped your notice.
She, like Sam, is a shy little girly, but don't let that fool you into thinking she doesn't have a big personality.
She is sweet, has a gentle disposition, cautious but not afraid to have fun.
She also trusts her slave, who she has known almost two years. (She has owned her slave since she was just 6 weeks old). For example she once ate a raspberry in her slaves hand, and has also eaten many sweetcorn pieces on the slave.
She also has peed many times on the slave, her favourite spot is the neck, just below the chin, where it's hard to see to wipe off. Many have said she is "claiming" her slave, but her slave thinks there could be another reason behind it... Perhaps it's not enough sunflower seeds. We'll never know.
Her favourite food is a sweetcorn piece (freeze dried), however she is not fussy.
She does not have many other names, Merry is short enough, though her slave may call her munchkin, ratty, little mouse, nutty etc.

This is Pippin.
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She is often called Pipsies or Pipsqueak.
As you can see , she is another gerbil. She is also very trusting, overconfident, naughty, loves getting into trouble and being mischievous, having loads of fun along the way. But despite all this she is a very intelligent young madam and very kind, although she will one day give her slave a heart attack. She is more openly friendly than her sister (Merry), and seems sometimes more active.
Her favourite foods are sweetcorn pieces, dried peas (not pea flakes, mind - she despises those!) and Goji berries.
So that's the fellowship.
Sorry it's a such long post, any more will be much shorter and have much less talking in them (but more pics!)

Fellowship of the fridge 😂 love it. I call mine the munch squad! Forever eating .
Funny yet stoopid gerbils seem to love mugs... in particular climbing inside....
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(“ooh wazz is?”)
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(“shmells nice”)
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(“Meh. Boring. This plate shmells nice though...”)
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(this is what an evil stare from a gerbil looks like.)

Warning: the next few photos have dried mealworms being fed to gerbils so if that’s something you don’t want to see I’d recommend... Not seeing(?)

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(“Om nom”)
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caught in the action:
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I played “salut d’amour” for the gerbils, then Claire de lune, to see what they’d do in reaction to the music. The below photo is how they reacted to salut d’amour so I have to say they liked it. They woke up again when I played Claire de lune and came closer to the phone to hear the music so they must’ve liked that as well - Pippin just stood for a few minutes which is unheard of lol... :luv: View attachment 170374
Merry sitting like a little floofball in the corner. :love: I can’t stop saying how much I love her, it’s getting a little bit crazy now. - I’m going round the house saying “aww I love her so much”, going on a walk, seeing a photo of her on my phone: “aww she’s such a darling”. This is the beginning - I’m turning into a crazy gerbil owner.
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Guinea pigs got some yummy forage yesterday and I managed to pick the first bits of grass growing from the garden. They nommed it up straight away, I think it made their day. I also got loads of hay from the garden centre at the weekend so I just shoved a load in lol. And then I sniffed the bag because new hay has such a lovely scent. I am an actual guinea pig lunatic. I wouldn’t change a thing. :luv: