The Ever Beautiful Betsy has lost weight

Get your vet to check for a urethral stone. I’ve had this sort of weight loss with a piggy and Simon discovered a urethral stone. He popped it out, amid lots of squealing from piggy, but once it was out, the weight slowly increased again.

Also get the vet to feel for a goitre in neck. Just wondering if the weight loss is due to hyperthyroidism. This can be controlled with the drug Thyronorm.
Thanks Debbie will do.
Betsy has now seen Alfonso. He was very thorough in his checks, checked in her mouth to make sure there was food in there, checked in her ears, had a feel of her throat, felt all over her body, her bladder and bowel, then had a listen to her tummy, guts and heart. The only thing he could find was that her guts were a bit slower than they should be so has given Metaclopramide at 1ml twice a day. When I mentioned it was a very high dose, Alfonso said that she had a few hard poops that he could feel and hopefully the Metaclop would help push them out. She is on this dose for 5 days. If she continues to lose weight, it'll be x rays and blood work :yikes:££:yikes: I was very happy with my vet visit today. Betsy wasn't so happy. She didn't 'arf complain at him feeling her lady bits which I can't really blame her for. She kept coming to me for cuddles. She did nip me once (Ruby @Swissgreys you'd be very proud of her!) but I thought that would happen as she wasn't a happy girly.

@furryfriends (TEAS) I did ask about whether he could feel a stone in her urethra but he couldn't nor could he feel a goitre. He said she may have a stone in her bladder and Rachel said the same thing a few weeks ago when she had a UTI.
Hoping that the meds help our ever beautiful Betsy to regain a little weight.
Oh poor Betsy, how undignified, but all for a good reason, hope the medication does what it is supposed to and everything turns to normal 🤞🥰
Dear Betsy,
I hope that your medicine tests nice, but remember to pretend it doesn't so you get extra treats.
I was also outraged to hear how you were treated by the vet, and very glad to hear that some nipping was involved.
I hope you feel better very soon, but do remember that you are a Queen and deserve lots of extra treats and attention.
Love Ruby xx
Dear Betsy,
I hope that your medicine tests nice, but remember to pretend it doesn't so you get extra treats.
I was also outraged to hear how you were treated by the vet, and very glad to hear that some nipping was involved.
I hope you feel better very soon, but do remember that you are a Queen and deserve lots of extra treats and attention.
Love Ruby xx
Dear Ruby
My new medicine tastes OK, I pretend it doesn't and I am rewarded with yummy recovery food with oats and grated carrot. I really didn't mean to nip my slave but the nasty vet man was felling my lady bits and it was uncomfortable and I really wanted to nip him but as he was at my back end and my slave was at my front end it was easier to nip her. My slave did apologise that she forgot the coriander for rewarding me for being such a good girl. I did get some when I arrived home.
Wheeks hoping I'll feel better soon

The Ever Beautiful Betsy
Betsy didn't bite the vet she bit me!
Sounds like my little madam, it’s always me she takes it out on! I’m not prodding and poking you, I’m just paying for it, bite them! :xd:
Hope your gorgeous lady feels better soon with her meds and gets those nasty poops out! Munch lots and lots for your lovely mum tonight Betsy 😘 x
Oh Betsy what an ordeal you have been through, so disgraceful to have your lady parts prodded and pokes so thoroughly. I hope your meds work wonders and you have a good poo then gain some weight again. A good poo can do wonders for making you feel better