karenrgpr said:Hi Juniper, I meant that I was suprised that Cavykind hadn't seen any Satins because I know a big breeder who has just given up and there are lothers still going. I also know that a lot of Satins have found their way to the pet shops so was suprised that CK had seen none. In the South I have never seen a Satin in a pet shop though they are there. I did not say that anyone has given up because of OD? Please don't put words into my mouth.
I haven't scaremongered at all, I have pigs with one common ancestor Great Grandad (off the top of my head) that have OD, One Self typy Satin whose father originated from Scotland, I believe, she has OD but is not showing any signs of it and 2 other sows (pet type and Self type ) that are clear as of a year ago. As far as I am concerned if a pig doesn't suffer then whats the problem?
My only concern in this are the general public who don't know about this, or they be expected to expect the unkown. I think they should be able to make an informed choice. I am not anti breeding or showing or part of any 'ban the Satin' group. I like to see well bred Guineas of all kinds. I am anti pet shop that sell livestock and think that there is enough surplus stock to be sold by breeders.
I would like nothing more than to have some typy Satins to x-ray periodically and find a strain that doesn't suffer- regardless of whether or not they have it.
My honest opinion on OD at the moment from what I've seen- some get it severely (have had some with it diagnosed by x-ray), some don't, have had Satins with OD that haven't suffered. Sorry if thats scaremongering ?
Hi Karen - I agree totally with what you have said. I dont in any way think you have been scaremongering people. From what I have seen you are just trying to educate people about the breed. I personally think satins should only go to people experienced with piggies. I would not be happy seeing a satin for sale in a petshop. I think first time owners have enough to worry about making sure they are doing everything right without the burden of OD hanging over their head too :-\
I have 10 satins here at the moment and as with almost all satins they will stay here. I do wonder if they are just a very weak breed (as are silver agoutis). I have one with OD, another with respiratory problems (still unknown cause despite meds and x-rays), and another which passed away just a few weeks after arrival. I also have a satin carrier here who was bred with a satin boar (not by me I might add

Juniper - I gather from your posts you asume we are very "anti breeder"? In fact this is not the case. Both me and Karen have friends that are breeders, I have nothing against people that do things right. Despite me working in a pet shop it is actually pet shop sales that I hate the most as these are what cause the most problems :-\