Louis and Coco went in for their casteration this morning and are now back at home - bless them as they have been quite since they came home - I think Coco is looking at me saying "what the hell have you done with me mum"
I said to the two boys - it will be worth in the end cos in a few months you can live with the girls and Louis is getting a new girlfriend. The vet actually advised me to not put the boys in with any girls for 8 weeks! even though I have read on here about 4 weeks is the norm - I said that to the vet lady, but she said they casterated a bunny and after 7 weeks, he still managed to get his girlfriend pregnant, so just to be on the safe side, I am going to leave it that long. £82 it cost me in the end - if I had taken them to the other vets, it would have been £130 and the wound doesn't look too bad, bless them 
my sweet little boys :smitten:

my sweet little boys :smitten: