The boys have been done!

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Sep 20, 2007
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Vale of Glamorgan
Louis and Coco went in for their casteration this morning and are now back at home - bless them as they have been quite since they came home - I think Coco is looking at me saying "what the hell have you done with me mum" :) I said to the two boys - it will be worth in the end cos in a few months you can live with the girls and Louis is getting a new girlfriend. The vet actually advised me to not put the boys in with any girls for 8 weeks! even though I have read on here about 4 weeks is the norm - I said that to the vet lady, but she said they casterated a bunny and after 7 weeks, he still managed to get his girlfriend pregnant, so just to be on the safe side, I am going to leave it that long. £82 it cost me in the end - if I had taken them to the other vets, it would have been £130 and the wound doesn't look too bad, bless them :)

my sweet little boys :smitten:
I am sure that they will be back to normal very soon. My Shaun was jumping around a few days later and he hadn't done that in ages! :)

Just check that they are eating, drinking, weeing and pooing normally and also that their wounds are clean and dry.
Let us know how they go along!
so glad louis and coco are doing well :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: they know how to make you feel guilty and bad don't they :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: keep them warm especially for first 24 hours because after surgery they have trouble regulating their body temp, give food in small amounts and make sure they are drinking and expelling waste. any concerns ring your vet O0 sending hugs and healing vibes to louis and coco :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and some to you too meanie ;D ;D ;D
Coco has eaten all his veg today, but Louis hasn't he is eating but not as much...I did notice that poos weren't coming out last night and some were atually stuck in their bottom, but this morning they have been able to poo ok, so that's good! Louis is still quiet, but I'll keep an eye on them.
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