Thank you to the people who have messaged me...

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I feel lost at the moment. My life revolved around Archie, particularly in recent months when he had so many problems with abscesses. I got up this morning and took two cups from cupboard, one for my coffee and one for his syringe food and then the realisation hit that I didn't need to make syringe food for anyone.

I was feeling so sad, and then saw Mr Trouble, the bunny, binkying in his run, showing off to his wife and Angel, who is currently on holiday here, and that brought a smile to my face.

Pickle looks really sad at the moment, but I am hoping to be able to bring some lovely news about a new friend for her very soon.
Debbie, i have only just caught up with this, i am really very very sorry, big hugs. x
I understand totally how lost you feel.

Nothing will take away your saddness, emptiness or grief right now.

And nothing will take a way your memories of this very very special boy.

I had the pleasure of meeting Archie, the first time he wheeked at me when we were in your kitchen Debbie, eating cream buns, which had a strawberry on the top, and the little tinker smelt it out, I recall that Pickle was quick on the uptake and decided she'd like to share it.

And he came to visit me with Pickle, Kevin and Perry last year when you were on your way to the Cavy Corner Pignic.
That photo of you and Archie on that day is Stunning.

With much love and hugs to you. Take care of yourself.
I was also fortunate to meet Archie, first while he was so poorly at Cavy Corner, and then later when he was so very much better - you wouldn't have known he was the same piggie.

He was a real fighter, as you have been for him, Debbie. You'll never forget him, but I hope the Archie sized hole in your heart will soon begin to heal.

My thoughts are with you.

I find the first days after losing a piggy I have been nursing the worst because you have to consciously change your daily routine, and that is very hurtful because you catch yourself out time and time again! It brings home your loss in all the many little ways that have connected you and Archie, not just the big ones.

Archie was such a special, inspirational little guy; give yourself time for your necessary grieving. I feel blessed for having met him several times.
I had the pleasure of meeting Archie, the first time he wheeked at me when we were in your kitchen Debbie, eating cream buns, which had a strawberry on the top, and the little tinker smelt it out, I recall that Pickle was quick on the uptake and decided she'd like to share it..

Me too! (Although I didn't get cream buns! :o) I did however, get a cup of tea in a TGPF mug :)) For me, I was amazed how pink his ears got when he got hot :))
Me too! (Although I didn't get cream buns! :o) I did however, get a cup of tea in a TGPF mug :)) For me, I was amazed how pink his ears got when he got hot :))

:)) The only reason there were cream buns was because Paula brought them with her! I am a terrible host! The best I had to offer was a mug of tea! Not sure if Paula got TGPF mug though. I am sure it would've been a guinea pig one though.
:)) The only reason there were cream buns was because Paula brought them with her! I am a terrible host! The best I had to offer was a mug of tea! Not sure if Paula got TGPF mug though. I am sure it would've been a guinea pig one though.

To be fair, I did get chocolate!

I know which I'd pick given the choice! drool
I'm really sorry about Archie Debbie, please console yourself with the fact you gave him a lot of extra time & a great quality of life with you & his wifey pig. If he hadn't found you he wouldn't have had that. It's always hard when we loose that "special" pig that fills our lives.

Big ((hugs)) for you. I can never thank you enough for helping me get my Daisy the best possible treatment with possibly the best vet there is for piggies in the UK. My lot send lots of piggy kisses x
Oh Debbie I'm so sorry to learn of this very sad news. You're such a wonderful person doing all you do for all the guinea pigs in your care. Archie must of had a fabulous life with you caring for him.

I had quite a few pets growing up, but my own pet was a cat called Tiddles. I was seven years old and she a birthday present from my dear G-dMother who found her through a rescue. She'd been horribly treated and it took months of determination to bring her round. After alot of persistance she turned out to be the most wonderful cat, so full of love for everyone. I grew up with her. I was twenty-five and living back home doing my Masters when she eventually passed. 5 years later and I still feel her in the garden. Sometimes I'm sure I catch her out of the corner of my eye.

They are always there with us and never forgotten.

Much love
K xx
Debbie so sorry to read this. You are such an amazing person to give so much of yourself to caring for animals. What you do really is a calling and long may you carry on doing it!

I cant wait to meet you in sept. I was worried when I go away the boys wont have anyone acting as daft around them as I do but I get the feeling after staying with you they wont want to come home again xx
Debbie so sorry to read this. You are such an amazing person to give so much of yourself to caring for animals. What you do really is a calling and long may you carry on doing it!

I cant wait to meet you in sept. I was worried when I go away the boys wont have anyone acting as daft around them as I do but I get the feeling after staying with you they wont want to come home again xx

Oh I am sure your boys will return home wanting to know who on earth the crazy woman was you had sent them to stay with! :))
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