TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Ok this is me i dont have one of me with Zubin or Rudi sorry x



I change the way i look alot! i now have Purple straight hair! still chubby though! i will take a pic of me and my Zub as soon as i get round to replacing digital camx
Don't be silly Gothchick! You look lovely. And I LOVE the idea of purple hair. I have always had a desire to colour mine green or purple, but far too scared! How long does the purple stay in?
what kind of purple? I've had mine like a deep plum/black.. and am currently black with red streaks! LOL

Gonna change in a few weeks, re-dye it black then have dark blonde streaks!

Kelly and piggies xx
Everybody who has posted pics of themself so far look so lovely. If you haven't posted your pic yet, come on... don't be shy! :D
Lucinda said:
can you scan me in please Ellie?

I will do asap. My scanner isn't connected at the min as my boyfriend has nicked my comp which was at my mum's house. I will get him to sort it out tomorrow and then I can send you your pic back.

Before anybody sees the pic of Lucinda, I can say she is very very veeeryy pretty! :)
Oh Ellie, you sweetheart! what a lovely thing to say - but not sure if it's true!
Lucinda said:
Oh Ellie, you sweetheart! what a lovely thing to say - but not sure if it's true!

Of course its true. I wouldn't say it otherwise! You really are and don't think differently! :)
Its LIVE colour i think its called violet and its a dark purple its nothing shocking I'm not that confident! its a perminant colour so it just grows out! x
oh I've had that one then! Thought it was a real purple, purple! LOL.. dark blonde highlights for me next!
This is me, aged 16....17 in June. It's a recent pic, taken today. So very recent. ;D


Ellie, if your scanner is working OK, please could you scan me in? Thanks SO MUCH for puting my piggies on the site. that was so lovely to see after we buried Dr x
Who wants to see a picture of Lucinda?

You can now finally put a face to this wonderful lady! :)


I am so sorry about how long it has taken for me to do this. Been having probs with my comp so just come over to my mums and used her scanner :) I will post you back the picture tomorrow!
Hey there Lucinda! What a gorgeous lady you are! ooohhh you make me rumble!

Love Tonic xx

He couldn't help himself! Lovely to finally see you honey..

Love Kelly xx
Really Tonic! Aren't you a bit young for me?( Still if you can do a south African accent . . . )

Thank you Kelly and Livie. I think I look a bit shocked - not surprising, as this was taken on a caravan holiday in Wales . . .

If my mother reads this post, she will defend the caravan I have no doubt!

And thanks Ellie!
No, I wouldn't put your pic on here without your permission. As mod you should probably let everybody see your pretty face lol. Kate should add her pic too! :)
You should add your pic and everyone guess how old you are. Me and Luke thought you looked mid 20s :D lol You will be so flattered when everyone says how young you look!
Here is a pic of MRS MOD... lol :)

elie. please dont put my photo back on I will explain.