Yes I agree about finding another vet,not easy I know.My brilliant vet is in Surrey,which is a bit far for you to travel with a sick pig.She is happy to advise over the phone.If you want her contact details let me know.Do you have a gp rescue near you?,you could enquire which vet they use.
If the vet who operated on Tetley is not used to piggies,it is possible I am afraid that he botched the op. i.e there could be another stone which he missed.Sadly this happened to me years ago before my present vet came to the area.I had a boar with a stone,and after the op he was the same as Tetley,still bleeding and not doing very well.He was only 2 yrs old and sadly he died.I was so angry I found another vet willing to do a pm(for a lot of money) and the op,as I had suspected was botched.There was still a stone in the bladder,and the bladder wall had been badly cut.If you can find another vet maybe you could have a scan done to see if there is another stone.I have had 3 other pigs go through lithotomy by my present vet,and none of them had bleeding post op and they were all eating and mobile within a few hours.The suture line healed quickly with no infection,and one of the pigs was 6 years old,aand he lived for another 2 years with no problems.
Hopefully with Tetley he is just taking longer to heal,but if he were mine I would not wait any longer to have a scan.