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Tetley's Bladder Stone

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BubbleSqueak said:
Caviesgalore - Tetley's beautiful. What a sweet looking piggy.

Thank you BubbleSqueak - I know you shouldn't have favourites but he is a very special little piggy :smitten: and I hate to see him so poorly.
I do not think your vet knows much about piggies I am afraid.You were right in that Septrin is a much better antibiotic for renal infections than Baytril.,the suggested dose though is far to high,it should 0.4 ml per day for a small to medium pig,0.5ml per day for a bigger pig.
I am sure you are giving a probiotic as well.
Get as much water into Tetley via syringe as you can to keep the kidneys and bladder washed through.
Hugs to you and Tetley,hope he starts to improve real soon
Re Septrin, 0.4ml is what I give too. Strange really as he gave a low dose of Baytril @ 0.2ml ....
Thanks for the pm Karen and for the info. which I received via email.

I have collected the Septrin this morning and all it says on the bottle is "Septrin Paediatric suspension per ML x 30 - give 1ml twice daily for two weeks". I bottled out giving him the 1ml dose this morning and he had 0.40ml which is what both Karen and Mary suggested and is what I gave Roxy when she was on it.

Tetley is not happy, his pain seems worse. I am about to put him on clean towels by himself for a little while to see what his actual output is. I hope the Septrin does the trick and kicks in quickly.

My usual vet (gpig lover and owner) is on maternity leave until December and I am beginning to think I need to try to find another cavy savvy vet in Kent/South East to tide me over.
Yes I agree about finding another vet,not easy I know.My brilliant vet is in Surrey,which is a bit far for you to travel with a sick pig.She is happy to advise over the phone.If you want her contact details let me know.Do you have a gp rescue near you?,you could enquire which vet they use.

If the vet who operated on Tetley is not used to piggies,it is possible I am afraid that he botched the op. i.e there could be another stone which he missed.Sadly this happened to me years ago before my present vet came to the area.I had a boar with a stone,and after the op he was the same as Tetley,still bleeding and not doing very well.He was only 2 yrs old and sadly he died.I was so angry I found another vet willing to do a pm(for a lot of money) and the op,as I had suspected was botched.There was still a stone in the bladder,and the bladder wall had been badly cut.If you can find another vet maybe you could have a scan done to see if there is another stone.I have had 3 other pigs go through lithotomy by my present vet,and none of them had bleeding post op and they were all eating and mobile within a few hours.The suture line healed quickly with no infection,and one of the pigs was 6 years old,aand he lived for another 2 years with no problems.
Hopefully with Tetley he is just taking longer to heal,but if he were mine I would not wait any longer to have a scan.
Are you near GBH rescue? Jackie has a good vet I think and would be able to help you. Its in Beckenham. Will look out the phone number and PM it to you :) I agree with Mary about travelling with a sick piggy and think we owe it to everyone else to try and educate those vets that want to be educated- its not their fault! Their attitude is, but you don't have to stand for that :)
Mary and Karen thank you so much for all your input. I am not that far from Beckenham, probably 35 - 40 mins subject to traffic. I have tried emailing Jackie, but haven't heard anything yet (guess she is a very busy lady) but if you have a contact number I would appreciate a pm. I have emailed all my local rescues this afternoon asking for vet recommendations, haven't heard back from any as yet.

Mary could you also pm me the name and number of your vet, if I can't find anyone else local I could at least give them a call.

Thank you all again.
Re: Tetley - Sad Update

Just wanted to let you all know that sadly Tetley took a turn for the worse early last Wednesday morning and after much soul searching was PTS later in the day.

The poor little love had put up such a brave fight it was very hard to make the final decision that it was unkind to keep him going. To make matters worse we were away on holiday and my parents had kindly been looking after the boys. Dad sat up in the early hours with him and said he felt that Tetley was trying to tell him that his time had come, even Curly stayed a distance away from him. An x-ray later in the day showed crystals reforming in his urethra (sp?) and these were stopping him from being able to go to the loo.

I feel so guilty for not being with him at the end, although we shouldn't have favourites this little guy was special :'(. My parents did everything they could to comfort and care for him and I am very grateful to them for that. Dad bought a beautiful flower pot and evergreen plant and buried Tetley in this, he is now watching over all the other piggies here 0:) Sleep well little one, we miss you terribly.

I have now got to decide what to do with Curly. I have several options I guess a) get a baby boar to put with him, b) have him neutered and get him a girlfriend (not sure I can go through with this option at the moment) c) try to introduce him to my other pair of boars one of whom is his brother, the other his grandad - the boys are used to being next to each other during run time, they share a divided run. Will see how things go this week.

Thank you to everyone who sent best wishes.
:'( I'm so very sorry about Tetley. Popcorn at the rainbow bridge with all of the other piggies. You're a beautiful 0:) now.
OMG... thats so sad about Tetley :'( :'( :'( Please dont feel guilty. He was obviously in good hands.

(Thanks for your help and advice about my Rube.)

Sleep peacefully little Tetley :-* :-* :-*
I'm so sorry to read about Tetley's loss. You really did all you could for him, i'm sure he knew that. Thinking of you, I know it must be a hard time and that you miss him so much.

RIP Tetley, go and play with Max for me xx
Aw I'm so sorry 2 hear about Tetley, it sounds like you did everything you could 2get him better but at least he's not in pain anymore.
RIP Tetley x
Hi Popper thanks for your kind comments. Curly is doing ok, although he's not as happy as he was when Tetley was around. He is getting lots of extra cuddles and I have been putting him in a covered run separated in half with a mesh divider so that he can "talk" to my other pair of boars. I have also tried having lap time with all three, Curly is desperate to go and say hello, but unfortunately Snowy and Herbie are chickens and turn tail and run! I haven't had any teeth chattering, which is a good sign, and it would be great if we could get the three boys to spend some time together, even if it's only run time.

The other alternative is to a) get Curly neutered and find him a girlfriend or b) try to get a tiny baby boar for him. The problem I have with option a) is that I really want to avoid surgery if at all possible, with the luck I seem to be having at the moment I really don't want to tempt fate. My only concern with getting a baby boar is that when he hits "teenage hood" he might fall out with Curly and that would be even worse, I would then have three hutches of boars.

With my girls still on summer hols we are giving Curly lots of TLC, but I know I am going to have to make my mind up soon.
Sorry for the late reply - it's been a while...

I guess you already know that it's unlikely but not impossible that the three lads would get on. You may find that, so long as he can 'chat' to the others, Curly will be fine.

I've had two periods when I was left with a single boar. The first one became free range and was soooo happy. He had lots of attention and some lap time each evening. He stayed in one room, even if the door was open he'd not go over the threshold.

The other one, I had neutered. He got a post op infection, but is now very happily living with seven sows.

I'm sure whatever you decide you'll do your best to make sure Curly's ok.
Thanks for the response popper, late or not ;D. Am about to start a thread on Tetley and the boys - good news is that we took the plunge and tried the three together, first just for run time and then in a hutch/run combo and amazingly they seem to have hit it off like a house on fire. Keeping everything crossed that it stays that way!
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