Temper Tantrums!

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One of my boys Truffle Puffball (shown in my avatar) gets very stroppy when there is food around. If his hutch mate Bazil goes near him he starts grumbling and will kick out with his back legs. Bazil takes no notice and just pushes past him to get to the food bowl. It's very amusing to watch.
zeenie said:
mine occasionally turns and clips my hand with her teeth when she doesnt want to be picked up. she doesnt actually bite though. strange. she loves cuddles and fuss but hates being picked up. does any one else have this?

Nutmeg hates being picked up. She squeals like I'm killing her. Doesn't bite though.
Once you're actually sat with her she usually likes fuss, though it has to be on her terms! She's still young though so getting used to me still! You'd think she'd have worked it out by now that picking up is a good thing- usually followed by cuddles and being put on the grass in the run! ::)
he he funny little things, guineapigs. it makes me laugh how each one is so different and they have their own personalities and likes and dislikes. all equally lovable though ;D
Pixie and Gizmo both tip their food bowl if their hay gets too low, it's like "give us a choice to eat or we won't eat anything...!" 98)

They always wait till i'm not looking and run up to the other end of the cage then lie down as if to say "what? wasn't us, we wouldn't do that..."

Now they've decided that treats aren't any good, they just turn their noses up, it's veg or nothing..... 98)
SweetEdge said:
Do any of your piggies have proper little strops when they don't wanna do something?

I have just gone to get Squeak out of her run as she's been in it most of the day lying down and eating grass etc.. Just picked her up and OMG did she scream at me? That loud that the next door neighbours probably thought I was stabbing her or something! She squeaked all the way to the hutch and I put her in and she squeaked at me and then turned her back and went to see what food I'd left! She just REALLY didnt wanna go in! She's usually such a good little girl! ;D

Does any of yours have proper little strops sometimes? ;D

by pig is never THAT loud sure he squeaks but he only squeals if he is really hungry and I walk by the cage he will put his front paws standing up on the front of the cage and squeal to get my attention! and of course, I go, oh poor baby, have some lettuce.
I dont know if this is coincidence or clever timing but whenever I take trixy in from the run she first bites my collar, then second pees on me! Its got to the stage where I where old clothes to take her in. Strange, because her sisters such a little angel 0:) ...
Cuddlepigs said:
I also find that if you have several things in the food bowl and the thing they want is underneath, your presentation gets ruined as they literally hurl all the rest of it out of the way to get to their favourite bit! It makes me laugh watching their feet go as they dig it all out! ;D

;D mine do this too, i prepare their veg nice in the bowl and the first thing they do is dig to the bottom and ruin it! ::) even when i put the fav stuff on top they still dig! :)
when i come downstairs in the morning Archie goes mental wheeking and even chattering a little bit for food ! get the milk out to get a cup of tea and he stands up and begs me for cucumber!

when i put it in he waits for me to move my hand then dives in - he doesnt nip me ! but he is a grumpy thing, i put some more hay in his cage today ansd smoothed his head and he rumbled at me ::)

Machynlleth (a.k.a Maki) and my Grandad haven't bonded and I tried to improve their relationship.

He was sat on the living room carpet and Maki was running around and I brought a piece of carrot in. I handed it to my Grandad and told him to use it to coax her onto his lap. He ignored me and just handed it to her so she sat there beside him stuffing her face.

When she finished I thought "right, now she's going to off," but instead she jumped on him ans started gazing up at him adoringly. Awww.

However, when he failed to produce anything else she chomped on his arm then ran!

I was howling! ;D
31M4 said:

Machynlleth (a.k.a Maki) and my Grandad haven't bonded and I tried to improve their relationship.

He was sat on the living room carpet and Maki was running around and I brought a piece of carrot in. I handed it to my Grandad and told him to use it to coax her onto his lap. He ignored me and just handed it to her so she sat there beside him stuffing her face.

When she finished I thought "right, now she's going to off," but instead she jumped on him ans started gazing up at him adoringly. Awww.

However, when he failed to produce anything else she chomped on his arm then ran!

I was howling! ;D

LOL!! hOW funny!! anyway, my guinea pig does not dig if i don;t put the stuff on top in the bowl that he likes if i put it underneath he won;t find it most of the food goes to waste in the bowl as he is a very picky eater!! i always have food for him in the cage and then he is wheeking at me for more "good" food lol!! ;D :D
I have been laughing out loud at some of the stories on here - soooo funny! ;D ;D :smitten:
Lmao, Nancy i agree!

Honey had a right little tantrum yesterday. I was bathing her and i was using a plastic jug to rinse her off and she was bitting at it and wheeking and trying to jump out the bath. And then spice was just a little angel! Bless them! :smitten:
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