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Hi there

We have 4 piggies all have been very healthy till now. We have 3 girls and georgie our neutered boy. He was an rspca recsue 3 years ago and was about a year old we think. Suddenly his lower front teeth began to grow at an angle and he could not eat properly. So 2 weeks ago we got his teeth trimmed at the vet. He seemed to be eating better, but this week they began to grow wonky again. I have seen it get worse each day, until he couldn't really eat anything much today, so another trip to the vet.

I just dont get it, he is at least 4 and has had no problem until now. the first vet he saw said his molars looked fine, no spurs, but today vet we saw said you cannot possibly see the molars properly unless he is given a general anasthetic. That sounds a bit drastic to me just to inspect his teeth. He's lost a lot of weight.

Can anyone help with some suggestions? Anything similar happened to you? :-\
Teeth problems can suddenly happen, piggies do not have have to have GA to have any teeth trimmed, a lot of vets do not know how to do them though
I have been taking one for a teeth trim every 3 weeks for a while now :(
Yes I could try another vet I guess, a second opinion might be good.

Why do you have to take you piggie every three weeks has anyone given you a cause. I just hate mysteries, I like to find the answer and get so frustrated when I don't have a reason. I mean, the diet hasn't changed, what could cause this all of a sudden?
It started when she didn't eat after an operation and they overgrew her tongue .she then had a cyst on her face which became an abscess. The combination of not eating then eating on one side caused the ongoing problems.
It is hard to say as Guineas like to mystify us but if the molars are wearing a bit unevenly, I think it shifts everything out of balance and can make the front ones wear/grow unevenly too. His molars really do need checking by a competant vet without GA.

Maybe someone can point you in the direction of one if you say which area you are in?
hoping you find a good piggy vet. and welcome to the forums from me and the girls from oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: if you state where you are someone can suggest a good vet for you. once you have his teeth done, give plenty of hay for him to chew on to wear his teeth. sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: by the way i would say they were trimmed twice in 2 weeks because the first vet may not have done them properly the first time round. :-* :-* :-* there is a lovely lady from oz whose 6 year old guinea baby gets his toofies trimmed every 3 weeks and has done so for a while. i am sure she will be on later. good luck. O0
Thanks for all the suggestions O0

If anyone knows a piggie savvy vet in the Romney Marsh/Ashford area of kent, please let me know.

The vet I saw yesterday is very young, not my favourite at all ( and not just because she 2o yrs younger than me and pretty ;D). I only see her if it an emerency! When she cut his teeth they split a bit, so she tried to even them up.... I asked her if we could file them level, but she said no because the jaw will move and it wouldn't work. But I dont know? Any ideas on filing teeth?

Our Georgie is a bit of a favourite here as he was rescued from a pet shop with his brothers who had all be caged together for far too long and fighting. They were unsaleable, because they were covered in cuts and blood, so put in a box out the back. Someone found out about it and offered to take them all as he was to have killed them that day! They were given to GBH rescue in kent and found homes etc. He had not been handled at all when we got him and turned to be a real sweetie after some tlc. He is 95% white and the last to be homed as apparently most people dont want a white piggie (not sure why!) so as you can see he's a bit special :smitten:
our vet in oz knows next to nil about guinea pigs, mainly due to the fact people don't take their piggies to the vet as it is cheaper to replace than to make better. anyway she filed our zoe's teeth done as they were a little sharp. and zoe just let her do it she didn't even need sedation. so teeth can be filed. i think most people don't like white piggies cause they show the dirt. georgie sounds a real sweetheart :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: perhaps you could take him back to the rescue where you got him from and they could recomend a vet for you that knows about piggies. damn petshops should be blown up for their treatment of animals :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: sending georgie and you hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
Hi there and welcome to the forum from us in OZ also :) :) :)
Gosh you're poor piggie :'( :'( :'(
I'd want a second opinion if you continually cut the toofies down tooooo low they can't eat properly and this causes other problems :(
I too as Mary pointed out have my 6yr old boys toofies cut every three weeks, that's his molars... he doesn't and wont eat grass or hay ::) all stems back from way to many ops for abscesses >:( >:( :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: so he's a pellets and fruit and veg boy only. Thank goodness we now have access to Oxbow pellets the best thing since sliced bread O0
There is a listing on here of vets, check that out, sorry being from Australia i can't recommend anyone but i'm sure there's others that can O0
I wish you heaps of luck, we're sending healing wheeks for your little Georgie :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and btw what a wonderful thing to rescue him :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I'd also be feeding science recovery or critical care to boost his diet, or if you can't access that i'd be mushing up some good quality pellets with preboiled and cooled water and make into a consistency that Georgie can eat off a spoon or you can syringe :) i also add baby puree that comes in a glass jar from Heinz it's great to mix with the pellets or the Critical Care O0
Mushing up the pellets - why didnt i think of that? xx0 and I have some science recovery i will mix in too.

Thanks for that
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