i know what u mean, i have tryed to understand all of this, i have read so much on autism over the last thirteen years and obviously have lived with it and all the traumas. uptil now i have always been able to make sense of it and deal with it, no books can teach u what lays ahead and we all do learn from experiences and boy have i had a few of them.
the change has been so sudden and his reactions are unbelievable and i can only hope it is the onset of puberty, as a mother i have to look for reasons for why he has turned so quickly and so severely.
i have dealt with some awful situations some lasting 6months but nothing has ever thrown me of balance like this.
there is an evilness and a coldness that has never existed before and i have always understood his emotional problems but it seems now that his emotions are becoming one of his fears , which autistic kids can have many of.
if it wasn't for the anxiety/depression bit it might not be so bad to deal with but i have seen my kid go over the edge to the point where the docs wanted him to take medication that is used to treat adults with depression. this means i have to be really careful and not push him to far.
nothing i am saying is getting through, the lies are rolling of the tongue. got his school report today and he has gone down hill compared to last year.
what did make me laugh is his teachers went on about concentration............ 98) i wonder if they realise what adhd is and autism and that kids with this find concentration hard :