Junior Guinea Pig
A couple of weeks, or maybe even a little longer! It felt like such a long time too! I agonised over whether I should let him go, as he was so miserable. The fungal spread to the outside of his mouth too and his lips and nose were scabby. Simon, my vet, kept telling me he was improving, even if I couldn't see the benefits yet. He was weighing just over 750g and he was a big piggy normally. When he started to improve it all happened fairly quickly. He is now HUGE! He weights around 1.3 kilos!
That gives me a little more hope! I think Sweeties oral thrush happened a week or two before her operation, she was losing weight which I though was because she had a bladder stone and was sore to pee. But now I'm thinking it could have been thrush too.
Sweetie is small and usually weighs around 800- 900ish. She is 761 just now. I'm hoping the vet tomorrow will notice an improvement which will help. I know for sure she isn't spitting out loads of the syringe like she did a few days ago, she also isn't fighting me and my boyfriend every feed!