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swollen genetal area

  • Thread starter Thread starter angieb
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I am worried about my 2yr old guinea and i dont know if i should be. When i picked him up and checked under him around his genital area looks swollen as i compaired it to his baby son frodo. He will be about 6mths if i was guessing. Is this normal for a 2yr old guinea pig? :-\ There does't seem to be any pain when i touch it and its soft.
Thankyou they are my first guinieas and they didnt seem that big last week :D
my saying is if in doubt get it checked out. he may have a piece of straw or hay stuck in there. if it wasn't that big last week and it is this week i would definately get him checked out even if it is only to ease your mind. good luck and welcome to the forums from me and the girls in oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Yeah, at times they may be more aroused or more hormones, this can cause significant enlargement in these areas, BUT they can get a lot of bedding stuck up there. If you have never looked, you may never have noticed. I usually take Q tip and wet it slightly. Try to gently press on his balls (sorrys) to open the hole some more. If you see a lot of bedding try to gently get it out with the Q tip. Pus or blood means vet visit.
i had to google it as i didn't know either 98) it is another name for cotton buds, plastic stick with a cotton bud at each end. hope this helps. hoping guinea is feeling better sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
Sorry, Q tip is a brand name here. It is the little cotton swabs many people use to clean their ears out with.
Keep a very close eye on this.Try and find a way to measure the swelling.If the scotum continues to swell,you must go to a vet asap.Very occasionaly boars can get an abscess in the testicles,.This is a very serious condition.
I googled Q tip too. Anyway i had a good look this morning and i think its normal. When i touched his scrotum he didn't have any discomfort at all. But thanks for the advise as i had a quick look at frodo and he had a tiny piece of straw sticking out of his penis, so i caught it just in time.
Just rang the vet and I have a appointment on thursday. Just to put my mind at ease. Then i know that there ok! :)
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