New Born Pup
Hi, it’s my first time posting here although I’ve been reading posts on the forum for a while and have found all the existing guidance around receiving a terminal diagnosis and caring for a piggy at the end of their life etc invaluable so thank you.
We had two boars, Bramble and Butterbean aged 4.5 years. We’ve had them since babies.
Just over two weeks ago I realised that Bramble had suddenly lost a lot of weight in a very short time so I took him to the vets the next morning. An ultrasound scan sadly showed an abdominal mass. Three different vets at the practice advised against surgery due to the location of the mass and the risks involved (this aligned with my gut feelings) and we were sent home to provide palliative care.
We were absolutely heartbroken but vowed to make his last days/weeks as happy as possible.
He was actually doing really well in himself for the next two weeks; Eating everything in sight, being very active and inquisitive and enjoying snuggles with us and his brother.
About a week in I noticed he had suddenly developed a dewlap and when we saw the vet he explained that it was likely due to oedema and was a sign that we were approaching the end of life. Bramble was still happy in himself and eating well but we were very aware that we were nearing the end.
On Saturday morning he was slow to come out of his bedroom for food (totally out of character), didn’t have much appetite and spent the next hour huddled up facing the back of the cage. He had also had horrible diarrhoea to the point I needed to give him a bath to clean him up. I spoke to the vet and she advised the kindest decision was to euthanise at this point. I was at the point of booking an appointment for later that morning when he suddenly perked up. He then spent the day eating and drinking and we also managed to get them outside in their pen for an hour as it was warm. He looked really happy and spent the whole time pottering around with his brother and eating grass.
He did have a bit more diarrhoea and I syringed some water in to help as I knew he must be getting dehydrated.
In the evening he was quieter but still eating and snuggling with his brother. He was becoming wobbly in his legs though and I knew that we were very close to the end and put arrangements in place to have him PTS the next morning.
I didn’t sleep at all (I’ve barely slept since the diagnosis tbh) and went down a couple of times to check to find him snuggled with his brother. I consciously then left him for a few hours as I knew he must be exhausted and didn’t want to keep disturbing him.
At 6:30 I went downstairs and was beyond heartbroken to find him collapsed and not breathing in the middle of the cage. It looks like he’d got up to get some water and was on his way back to the bedroom area and his brother when he collapsed. The shavings had been pushed away around him too, which suggested to me that he’d struggled. When I then cleaned the bedroom out a bit later I was horrified by how much diarrhoea there was (it was completely clean before I went to bed).
I’m completely wracked with guilt to the point I cant eat or sleep. I just keep imagining what his last few minutes and hours must have been like and I feel like I let him down when he needed me most. I’ve spent the last fortnight reading everything I can about end of life and euthanisia and had spoken to several different vets about it. Having witnessed a horrible end of life with a close family member, I was desperate to give him a peaceful ending. I feel like I’ve failed him.
We had two boars, Bramble and Butterbean aged 4.5 years. We’ve had them since babies.
Just over two weeks ago I realised that Bramble had suddenly lost a lot of weight in a very short time so I took him to the vets the next morning. An ultrasound scan sadly showed an abdominal mass. Three different vets at the practice advised against surgery due to the location of the mass and the risks involved (this aligned with my gut feelings) and we were sent home to provide palliative care.
We were absolutely heartbroken but vowed to make his last days/weeks as happy as possible.
He was actually doing really well in himself for the next two weeks; Eating everything in sight, being very active and inquisitive and enjoying snuggles with us and his brother.
About a week in I noticed he had suddenly developed a dewlap and when we saw the vet he explained that it was likely due to oedema and was a sign that we were approaching the end of life. Bramble was still happy in himself and eating well but we were very aware that we were nearing the end.
On Saturday morning he was slow to come out of his bedroom for food (totally out of character), didn’t have much appetite and spent the next hour huddled up facing the back of the cage. He had also had horrible diarrhoea to the point I needed to give him a bath to clean him up. I spoke to the vet and she advised the kindest decision was to euthanise at this point. I was at the point of booking an appointment for later that morning when he suddenly perked up. He then spent the day eating and drinking and we also managed to get them outside in their pen for an hour as it was warm. He looked really happy and spent the whole time pottering around with his brother and eating grass.
He did have a bit more diarrhoea and I syringed some water in to help as I knew he must be getting dehydrated.
In the evening he was quieter but still eating and snuggling with his brother. He was becoming wobbly in his legs though and I knew that we were very close to the end and put arrangements in place to have him PTS the next morning.
I didn’t sleep at all (I’ve barely slept since the diagnosis tbh) and went down a couple of times to check to find him snuggled with his brother. I consciously then left him for a few hours as I knew he must be exhausted and didn’t want to keep disturbing him.
At 6:30 I went downstairs and was beyond heartbroken to find him collapsed and not breathing in the middle of the cage. It looks like he’d got up to get some water and was on his way back to the bedroom area and his brother when he collapsed. The shavings had been pushed away around him too, which suggested to me that he’d struggled. When I then cleaned the bedroom out a bit later I was horrified by how much diarrhoea there was (it was completely clean before I went to bed).
I’m completely wracked with guilt to the point I cant eat or sleep. I just keep imagining what his last few minutes and hours must have been like and I feel like I let him down when he needed me most. I’ve spent the last fortnight reading everything I can about end of life and euthanisia and had spoken to several different vets about it. Having witnessed a horrible end of life with a close family member, I was desperate to give him a peaceful ending. I feel like I’ve failed him.