Strange Noises - URI/Heart Issue?


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 1, 2021
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One of my boys, Marsh has been making strange noises for quite a while now. We first noticed them back in December and even though he was eating normally we were terrified he was choking/couldn't breathe and took him to the vets as an emergency. They gave him an x-ray and noted a little fluid in the lungs but thought that might be from panicking and gave us baytril and loxicom. We went back a few days later and the vet was happy the medication was working and he'd made no strange noises since.

Then he started making the noises intermittently, not showing any signs of pain or discomfort but they just don't sound good/healthy. We went back to the vets at the start of this month and I showed them a video I'd taken of the noises but due to covid wasn't able to go into the exam room with him. The vet said everything looked fine, but it was a possible URI and prescribed loxicom and doxycycline. Once again he was fine for a few days (he loves taking loxicom!) then started making the noises again.
The noises seem to happen every few days now for a few hours at a time, he eats normally during them and I can't see a trigger of any sort for them. I tried researching this and came across the guinea lynx site on heart problems: Guinea Lynx :: Heart

He does exhibit the 'hooting' noise described and is also very slow to move at first making him easy to pick up, though I haven't noticed any other symptoms. I've attached a video below of the sound he makes (apologies for how quiet it is) and was wondering if anyone has experienced this sound/heart problems in guinea pigs and can offer advice? I plan to take him to the vet again if necessary but with covid and being unable to go in, I worry I'm not able to emphasise my point and he'll just get the same medications again. Any advice on what to tell the vet? I'm just very worried about him. Thanks for reading.


There have been no strange noises for the past few days, I'm not hopeful they've gone away but I'll take what I can get. He's thankfully still his usual self, chewing his hideys like crazy and popcorning with his brother. Since he shows no other symptoms I'm still torn on going to the vet to see if they can find anything. Between his vet visits and visits for my older girl, money is a bit tight at the moment, but if I thought the vet would actually give me any answers I wouldn't hesitate. On the other hand, is it possible this is normal for him and I'm worrying over nothing? He's such a sweet little rascal.
Hi. Your video doesn’t seem to work. You need to upload it to somewhere like you tube and then attach it to here.

It’s good that he has stopped making the sound. Hooting can be normal. The smallest of obstruction in the nose (from hay dust for example) can cause hooting. I once took my Edward to the vets as he was hooting but the vet couldn’t find anything wrong so said he probably had something irritating his nose. The hooting stopped the following day.

I would keep an eye on him and take him back to the vets if the noise comes back and / or he becomes unwell
Sorry for it being a while but thought I'd update. I took him back to the vets when the noises occurred again. It wasn't a fruitful visit, and they said they wouldn't be able to run tests or anything to see if anything was wrong, so to just sit it out. My opinion of these vets was already somewhat low, so my boys have now ended up at a new vet with much more experience (the issue is a long drive). Marsh was thoroughly examined, and the vet found that his teeth were ever so slightly asymmetrical (not to the point of causing problems thankfully) and that he had somewhat of a lump/flap thing in his throat. Apparently, it's uncommon in guinea pigs but fairly commonly seen in dogs. He said it was very likely laryngeal spasms, and that they weren't dangerous. If I was worried, syringe feeding him baby food/critical care during his 'episodes' could help with food stuck there (likely the issue) but as long as he was eating fine and being his usual self, he was very likely okay. I've now got a stash of baby food on hand, and true to form, he's not had any episodes since the vets (about two weeks ago) 😂. So hopefully it really is just that, and he's perfectly healthy otherwise too. Thanks for all your help!
So MY boy is on Baytril right now because he was making a strange crackling noise. The thing is, my boy has spinal fractures in two places and a big mystery mass near his heart so my vet didn't do tests on him for his safety and just gave us the baytril and it's cleared up after just 3 days.

It really can't hurt to do one round of antibiotics IMO just to be safe if your vet is willing to sell them to you.