Strange Behaviour In Females.


New Born Pup
Aug 21, 2017
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So we've got two female guinea pigs. This is not the first time we've owned guinea pigs but it is the first time we've had two in the same cage. We have had them for about 8 months now. Nothing was particularly wrong before, they had the odd squabble with the white one normally being the one to start it. Recently, however, we've started to notice some weird behaviour. Every now and then, the brown guinea pig seems to rub her face on the others rear which seems to be distressing the white one. I don't know if she's biting or what but I thought I'd post here to get some opinions.

Dropbox - Video 21-08-2017, 10 59
hello and welcome!
I also have two female pigs and I see the same behaviour and even more... they usually end up in "biting", although it is only a fake. It is something linked with their dominance and my piggies are both on the same level of hierarchy and therefore there isn't a peaceful fife between them. Anyway they have room enough for having their own private life and sleep far from each others. This helps a lot. What I am noticing is that you bought the wrong cage, the one for hamsters... two piggies need a lot of space, at least 130cmx80. Try to arrange a new cage and you can also build it yourself as I also did (I spent few euros).
Your piggies are very beautiful!:love:
Dont worry! mine are little moody teenagers at the moment and constantly squabbling! they rumble and sway and chase each other, they even do the little fake bite thing and then five minutes later they are cuddled up asleep together.. they are like marmite to each other :))
Hello and Welcome to the Forum


The behavior you are seeing seems perfectly normal and will probably be more frequent or obvious during the hormonal teenage months, or when one of your girls is having a strong season.
Basically they are just 'discussing' who is in charge using guinea pig speak!

But I do agree with @rome_italy that their cage looks a little small.
The best thing you can do to ensure they have a happy life together is make sure they have enough space to be on their own when they find their cage mate a little annoying.
Having a separate house/hide for each of them to retreat to will go a long way in keeping the peace.

A good cage for 2 female piggies would be a minimum of 120cm long, but obviously the bigger the better.
For example:

Skyline Maxi XXL Small Pet Cage | Free P&P £29+ at zooplus!