Storage Bins?

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So it not breathable and the box is very narrow at 20 wide and very night at 14 high. How do be intend to get the air to circulate. As air flow will be restricted in such a small box with high sides. The 50 x 20 is way to small for a guinea pig sorry

Way too small for a guinea pig? C&C cages that are recommended are at about 47"x24" as I've read or 2'x4'. My box is ALMOST 2 feet in width, and over 4 ft long.

I guess I don't understand this big "air flow" concern because I have tortoises, that also need air circulation and ventilation, with walls the same height up. If anyone hasn't experienced a problem with walls a little higher than recommended, I don't see why I can't give this box a shot. If someone has experienced issues with walls a tad higher, I would switch it out.

I feel like people aren't understanding that this box has potential, because there's no known hard evidence that these walls which are a tad higher than recommended can hurt my piggy. There's absolutely no condensation and I lost 4" off the recommended 2 ft. 4" shouldn't make my cage "not big enough for a piggy", it's made up in the length, they added an extra 4" to length instead of width.
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in fact looking at the picture again, maybe a large storage box lid would make a great base for C&C grids if you turned it over! :)

That could be a great idea! Thanks! I wouldn't of thought of that. I'll have to check it out.
And I'm sure if condensation becomes a massive problem, then I'm sure @Tyranna will look at other options.

Do not get hung up on specifications - happiness is THE most important factor and we must remember if we can give them a happy life, then that is all that matters.

Thank you for this. Of course if my bin leads to any problems, it would be changed immediately. I would be changing it right now if there was any one here that was saying "Hey I used a bin and it DID create an issue for my guinea pig and it's health" but there isn't. I feel people are worrying because it's not something that has been done before. Air circulation I feel won't even be a big problem. I could even cut holes on all four sides and add some type of mesh to help stimulate airflow.

I lost 4" in width and gained 4" in length, I don't see how a merely 4" should make the bin not big enough for a piggy.
This topic is not to fight, it's not to upset anyone, it's just to get minds thinking. There's many different ways to care for animals, and there's always something changing. I do not look down on someone for trying something different in tortoise care. That's how we learn new things about a species or breed of animal that one may not have already known. It would be different if this was an experienced issue, but I see otherwise.

I'm going to go along with my bin idea, and see how it works. I plan on being an active member of this forum, and sharing my experience and observations.
The only thing I query about your great idea would be the height - my base is only 6 inches tall and the storage box the same height .
My piggies are able to climb out at this height if not fenced in (they are though), and they also perch with their paws on the edge of the base to demand for food, and also to just have a nosy over. Even while munching hay they still can eyeball everything going on in the room.

At 14 inches they would only really be able to view upwards, so that wouldn't be as good in my opinion :) and I do think they need cross flowing air circulation at their head level too, as some smells in the air will sink rather than rise and any way to move the air is a bonus.

Thanks for your open mind on my box idea! My box is clear, I do know guinea pigs have bad eyesight (me too, without a form of aid), so I took my glasses off to try to stimulate piggy's eyesight. It in fact, is a little hard to see through the wall. Maybe adding cloth mesh will help with this airflow/see through idea. It might be easier then trying to shorten walls.
Thank you for this. Of course if my bin leads to any problems, it would be changed immediately. I would be changing it right now if there was any one here that was saying "Hey I used a bin and it DID create an issue for my guinea pig and it's health" but there isn't. I feel people are worrying because it's not something that has been done before. Air circulation I feel won't even be a big problem. I could even cut holes on all four sides and add some type of mesh to help stimulate airflow.

I lost 4" in width and gained 4" in length, I don't see how a merely 4" should make the bin not big enough for a piggy.

Even adding holes in the plastic? like with a drill I guess. but not big enough for piggie to escape but would allow airflow? or if one or two sides had areas with mesh on. I wouldn't worry over it, but it would be a design consideration! :D
Even adding holes in the plastic? like with a drill I guess. but not big enough for piggie to escape but would allow airflow? or if one or two sides had areas with mesh on. I wouldn't worry over it, but it would be a design consideration! :D

Definitely! I was actually searching pinterest and came across something similar, for gerbils, I believe. Although I don't like it because it had lids on. I think just the mesh walls doesn't stimulate enough airflow with lids on.
I think the comment about people not accepting someone on the forum if you don't have a C&C cage is a little harsh to be honest. We have members on here with all sorts of setups, from C&C to home made cages, we aren't a C&C army bent on dominating the piggy world with C&C. People are just expressing their concern and opinion, just as you have expressed yours.
I think the comment about people not accepting someone on the forum if you don't have a C&C cage is a little harsh to be honest. We have members on here with all sorts of setups, from C&C to home made cages, we aren't a C&C army bent on dominating the piggy world with C&C. People are just expressing their concern and opinion, just as you have expressed yours.

I apologize. I felt a little attacked with a comment someone had made. I just do not want that to happen. Maybe I can get this thread closed? Is that an option here on this forum? I don't want any arguments, that's not what I'm here for.
I completely understand. This forum is one of the most helpful out there, but sometimes opinions can come accross as arguements. If you feel getting it closed will help then fair enough, but I think it's a fair enough conversation that could develop furthur without getting at eachother.
I completely understand. This forum is one of the most helpful out there, but sometimes opinions can come accross as arguements. If you feel getting it closed will help then fair enough, but I think it's a fair enough conversation that could develop furthur without getting at eachother.

You're right. There's a lot that can be said and learned on both ends (others and I), it should be kept open. The internet is hard because you can't hear the tone or way a person is trying to say something.

This forum is the most friendly I have ever been on yet for guinea pigs.
I think the internet is the same, a tone cannot be judged properly through text. I have found this place nothing but helpful, and members do try their best to help. A help forum would be no good if people didn't voice their concerns because then the welfare and treatment of pigs couldn't be improved. It's only through trying things that we have found out the best ways to look after guinea pigs so far.
please dont think this is just a pro C&C forum, yes there are many members with C&C but loads with sheds, hutches, cages, ikea drawers and other types of housing and everyone is very supportive of each other, and the amount of people who have contributed to this thread shows they do care about your question and do want to offer advice - I think sometimes its hard to get the right sentiment over with just words, so sometimes things come across more direct than meant, but this is truly the best place I have found for piggy slaves :clap:

just realised this is posted after you already pointed this out...!
I think the internet is the same, a tone cannot be judged properly through text. I have found this place nothing but helpful, and members do try their best to help. A help forum would be no good if people didn't voice their concerns because then the welfare and treatment of pigs couldn't be improved. It's only through trying things that we have found out the best ways to look after guinea pigs so far.

Thanks for your encouraging words. I do love it here already.
please dont think this is just a pro C&C forum, yes there are many members with C&C but loads with sheds, hutches, cages, ikea drawers and other types of housing and everyone is very supportive of each other, and the amount of people who have contributed to this thread shows they do care about your question and do want to offer advice - I think sometimes its hard to get the right sentiment over with just words, so sometimes things come across more direct than meant, but this is truly the best place I have found for piggy slaves :clap:

just realised this is posted after you already pointed this out...!

I can already tell it is the best place. Everyone has been supportive and nice. :) It's the darn internet that makes things come across differently.. ;)
I have found this thread quite interesting to read through.

I myself have gone from a store brought 120cm cage to a 2x4 C&C because of this forum and I would never look back! I love it and my boys love it and if you are thinking of C&C I would defintely recommend giving it a go. But of course we all have our own opinions on how to house our pigs.

Defintely don't feel attacked though. We are all here to help eachother and share opinions!

....... And drool over each others pigs of course:drool:
C & C is definitely still in consideration! They look very fun and I love how easily they can be added on to.

I loooove looking at other piggies! So cute! Makes me want them all.
I'm glad things have calmed a little, I don't ever like anyone feeling that they aren't welcome here on TGPF :)
Way too small for a guinea pig? C&C cages that are recommended are at about 47"x24" as I've read or 2'x4'. My box is ALMOST 2 feet in width, and over 4 ft long.

I guess I don't understand this big "air flow" concern because I have tortoises, that also need air circulation and ventilation, with walls the same height up. If anyone hasn't experienced a problem with walls a little higher than recommended, I don't see why I can't give this box a shot. If someone has experienced issues with walls a tad higher, I would switch it out.

I feel like people aren't understanding that this box has potential, because there's no known hard evidence that these walls which are a tad higher than recommended can hurt my piggy. There's absolutely no condensation and I lost 4" off the recommended 2 ft. 4" shouldn't make my cage "not big enough for a piggy", it's made up in the length, they added an extra 4" to length instead of width.

I just feel because I'm doing something that is not "normal" it is not wanting to be accepted. My piggy isn't being hurt, my piggy is happy, wheeking, running around, popcorning, doing normal piggy behavior.

I want to be part of this forum but, I'm different, and I feel if I don't do a C&C cage I probably won't be accepting or will constantly hear about my box.

Way too small for a guinea pig? C&C cages that are recommended are at about 47"x24" as I've read or 2'x4'. My box is ALMOST 2 feet in width, and over 4 ft long.

I guess I don't understand this big "air flow" concern because I have tortoises, that also need air circulation and ventilation, with walls the same height up. If anyone hasn't experienced a problem with walls a little higher than recommended, I don't see why I can't give this box a shot. If someone has experienced issues with walls a tad higher, I would switch it out.

I feel like people aren't understanding that this box has potential, because there's no known hard evidence that these walls which are a tad higher than recommended can hurt my piggy. There's absolutely no condensation and I lost 4" off the recommended 2 ft. 4" shouldn't make my cage "not big enough for a piggy", it's made up in the length, they added an extra 4" to length instead of width.
Sorry I wrote this first thing this morning, I was still half asleep. The size is OK it the sides are so high for that size box. Cages and c&c have lower walls this let's air circulate. I have a cage and c&c plastic isn't a problem, its fab. But air needs to circulate.
Plus with C&C If you get bored of the layout you can just change it up! (slowly obviously, not all guineas like change)
I wish I had room for a C&C cage system but I have a feraplast from pets at home.
I am always trying to adapt and alter my setup which isn't C&C, and now I have a shed full of half cut up plastic tubs and things I have discarded once I found a better way to do it, so C&C is good as you can just break it down and build it up - I am holding out to buy a huge 160cm cage with tray base - though C&C is great I know it will become the lego kit the real kids I have won't leave alone! :lol!:

though I always said ~I wouldn't do fleece and now I love it! :crazy:
C&C's are a pain in my bottom. But my boys love the open space, and I've changed it so far......... ERM, at least 15 times since June last year. So, they are quite good. :)
I personally quite like the 140cm and 160 cm commercial cages too as they give ample space.
yeah - I think its probably not the kids that will turn it into a lego kit but me - afterall i have been through so many variations to extend my wee 120 cage to a whopping 157cm in length by a bit of DIY - but now I have my eyes on a proper shop cage which is 160 and a bit deeper - after all it would look neater and my OH won't notice a bigger cage arriving now!
Are you keeping them indoors now? Just thinking could just insulate your shed more and put heaters in it, if they are eventually going back out :) might save you some money? I dunno x
they will probably never leave the house now except in summer during the day as I already have the dandelion hutch and run from last summer - want to keep them in the house at night in the summer as I am so used to them now I wouldn't see them as much outside - the wee munchkins!

and already convinced my OH to use the shed we got as tool shed so it frees up the other one just for bikes and stuff! :)) (that was just to ensure they have nowhere to go but in the house from now on....woohaha!)
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