They’re very nice eggs too - I’ve bought them onceI've not bought blue eggs, but a quick goggle tells me that there is a breed of chicken called the Legbar which lays blue shelled eggs. It's due to a pigment which goes into the shell during the egg creation process, in that breed it just happens to be a blue pigment, not brown etc.
What amused me somewhat was people complaining on the Reviews section for them about how they weren't really free range eggs because the birds couldn't go outside (bird flu doesn't count as a good reason, apparently), that PETA hated them (this is not a downside for me), and finally we should just give up eggs and all of go Vegan.
Here in the USA they wash the eggs at the store so they have to be kept in the fridge otherwise they go off in an instant from bacteria getting into the pore. But, any eggs I get from my quail get kept on the counter.Those of you who eat eggs, do you keep them in the fridge? When we were growing up, eggs were just kept in the cupboard and were often eaten after the date.
They're actually washed at the production location. They then have to remain refrigerated through the entire supply/transit chain. This is part of what makes washing more complicated.Here in the USA they wash the eggs at the store so they have to be kept in the fridge otherwise they go off in an instant from bacteria getting into the pore. But, any eggs I get from my quail get kept on the counter.
You see I am the opposite with dairy. Yogurt is a way of preserving milk and so unless the lid is bulging I'd probably eat it. I've eaten it several weeks beyond the date on the lid... Would I feed it to my kids? Depends on their behaviour...We're going a bit backwards now I think and supermarkets are being encouraged not to have use by dates on veg as people have become reliant on them instead of using their eyes and sense of smell. The only thing I am firm on dates with is dairy products like yoghurt. Mostly because I buy them for Jessica but can't stand yoghurt myself so I am not going to be testing it and knowing her she would eat it whether it was good or not