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squeaks op

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Oh no :'(this has made me cry, I am so so sorry. You did absolutely all you could.
RIP squeak 0:)
O no i just caught up with this thread, I'm so sorry :'( You did all you could for him and well done for bringing him home, RIP squeak x
This is so sad,you did all you could,and stayed with him and loved him at the end.I am glad you did not leave him at the vets.

The condition the vet mentioned was an ileus which occurs when a piggy has not eaten for a while.It is not just a post op complication,it can occur with dental problems if the pig is not syringe fed.

You were very unlucky with Squeak, but I suspect ,once again, UVS,sadly this seems to be popping up more and more on the forum.

Hugs from The Epsom Mob
thanks to every one for your support

I really miss him and bobby misses him aswell

my daughter has asked for another one but i dont think i could keep going through all this heart ache.

just have to make a fuss and love bobby lots.

thank you very much
Cazza I have only just got on to the pc today. I am so sorry to read that you lost Squeak :'(. As everyone has already said you did everything you could for the little guy, I am glad he was with you when he passed. Sending hugs from the Millstone mob.
Please reconsider getting another piggy,Bobby will pine for Squeak,gps do not like being by themselves.

You have a lot of love to give,go to a rescue and find a boy that needs a good home.

This tragedy with Squeak should not have happened, he was killed by an incompetant vet.

When you feel better tell the vet that Squeak died and that you hold him responsible.
if i tell the vet that, he would just say that i knew the risks of him having the operatiom, because i signed a form.

squeaks testicles were all bruised because of the way the person that did his operation, handled him, when they were putting a catheter in him.

this is the best vets around her, that i can get to without transport.

i have just been reading the supplies list and in there was oxbow critical care

I just ordered some of this the other day but hasnt arrived yet.
when i took squeak to the emergency vet last night, she gave me science recovery.

on the suppies list it says not to give post op piggies with bladder stones this.

now this is what the vet gave me last night.
and she said to try and get as much as he would take down him last night

i fed him quite a bit

i feel really guilty about this now.

maybe if i didnt feed him this he might still be with me now.

the vets around here are hopeless, i think we need more rodent friendly vets in all parts of country.

i am very angry with both these vets. and dont want to take my pets there anymore, but i have no choice.

maybe some people on here could be vets, you seem to know a lot more than any vet does.

i am very upset and angry with these people, and do not trust them anymore.
Oh love i've just caught up with this thread, you poor thing :'(
you tried everything love, what a pity you were not given the right advice to start off with :'(
Hugs and cuddles from us both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

RIP Squeak run free at the bridge little fella :'( :'( :'( :'(
I know you are very upset right now and understandably so hunny. It would really be worth your while writing some of the correct information down from here and going to both those vets and telling them what they did wrong and that very probably, their gross mistakes cost the life of your darling pet. They have had your money too. I think if vets are willing to learn/train in the care of GP`s, it is a step forward. You could tell them about Vedra Stanley-Spatcher at the Cambridgeshire Cavy Trust as I am pretty sure she holds courses and may even come to vet surgeries to do some training. It could be worthwhile emailing or texting her too.
((((big hugs to you)))))
I hope you are feeling a little less upset now.

It may be difficult to find a vet who is good with gps,but try and find one who is open minded ,and at least interested in piggies.

When I first met my vets Anne admitted that she new very little about them,but she was very interested and very open minded.She was happy to learn from Peter .A lot of vets will not listen to anyone who is not qualified.

Anne and Andy are happy to email or phone any vet that is interested ,they will give info,and help all they can.
Cazza, feeding Recovery has not killed your boy, its just better to feed Oxbow CC if you can. Whereabouts are you?
i had ordered some oxbow critical care off a web site, but obviuosly i need it right away, and then when i went to the emergency vet she gave me the rescue stuff. then after squeak had gone i received the critical care.
I have some now for when i need it.
I am thinking about getting a friend for bobby, do you think this is a good idea?
if so should i get an older piggie for him, considering he has cataracts and is about 4 years old.

I still have the medicine that my vet gave me, 2 kinds for the gut, zantac and another one. will they be ok to keep, in case i need them.
A friend for Bobbie is an excellent idea. Take him to a good rescue and they will help you pair him up.As he has cataracts ,an older laid back piggy would be better for him.A youngster would be too boisterous.

As for the drugs,if they have a use by date,then you can keep them till they expire.If there is no date,better to dump them.It is not safe to use out of date drugs.
thanks mary.
I dont know if there are any good rescue places around county durham.

as for the medicine, they are just in the little medicine bottles that you get from the vets, they have no dates on them at all. they bottles are full, i necer got around to using them at all on squeak as he died before i had to start to use them. what a waste of money.
I think squeak died from the stress of having the operation and the way he was handled at the vets. he had bruises on his testicles where they had held him to put a catheter in him.

i am very angry at the vets and don not trust them at all, and they are the best around her. >:(
Keep the drugs for about 1 month then dump.The problem is you do not know how long the large bottle that the vet prescribed from has been open.

Better to be safe and cut your losses.

The cost of vetinary drugs is horrific,a right rip off,and the vat on top makes me mad.They should not levy tax on medicines.
i know, it cost me £97 last saturday night , when i went to the emergency vet.
that was 49.50 to see vet
6.12 metacam injection
6.47 vetergesic ( what ever that is)
6.01 metoclopismide injection
8.84 zantzc syrup ( which i still have, never got used)
7.08 metoclopismide( which i still have, never got used)
10.59 4 x supreme recovery
2.92 syringe 50ml monoject

total cost 97.53
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