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Squeaks is off to emergency vet

Squeaks seems to be much as normal this morning, he tucked into the grass, squirmed away from the yucky Baytril, and ate as many nuggets as I offered. I'm going to weigh him later at my usual time.

I don't know if he was just having an off day yesterday, maybe eaten something that disagreed with him , or if he had got an infection starting which the Baytril has quickly got on top of. I'll continue the Baytril course anyway - even though piggy wrangling Squeaks to give him medicine is so difficult :D
Squeaks seems to be much as normal this morning, he tucked into the grass, squirmed away from the yucky Baytril, and ate as many nuggets as I offered. I'm going to weigh him later at my usual time.

I don't know if he was just having an off day yesterday, maybe eaten something that disagreed with him , or if he had got an infection starting which the Baytril has quickly got on top of. I'll continue the Baytril course anyway - even though piggy wrangling Squeaks to give him medicine is so difficult :D
So glad he seems back to his old self again x
Now Squeaks isn't coming to the bars when I go in the piggie room - because I always get him out the hutch to make him take nasty medicine! Oh well, the baytril course will be over in a few days, then we can go back to normal. His weight was down to 1111g on Monday but yesterday it was up to 1145g and today 1155g, so he must be feeling better but not having his appetite affected by the Baytril.
His incisors are still wearing at a slant though, looking quite bad in that respect but it would appear not in such a way as to impact his eating. Glad I have an appointment at Cat and Rabbit Clinic next week.