Speedy Travels Beautiful Oreo

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Jennifer D

Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
My old lady pig Oreo went to Piggy Paradise last night. I buried her out in the garden where we plant the sunflowers in the summer and there's even a little spot for her devoted Spike when it's time for them to meet again. Here are some photos of the cute little lady that I only got to have for a teeny portion of her piggy life.

Oh no :( I am sorry sorry. She had such amazing life with you and was so loved. So sorry for the loss of your stunning little girl. Huge huge hugs to you, we are all here for you

RIP Oreo
x x
oh no :( I am very sorry for your loss of Oreo- It is amazing how much a tiny little furry creature can make such a huge impact on your life. Play hard over the bridge Oreo.
Oh no! We were just having a laugh at her wee chooken leg in that 1st picture the other day as well. I'm so sorry Jennifer :( I hope she went peacefully. x
Thank-you everyone for your messages! It was definitely a sad morning, but I spent all day with the dogs at the kennel today so that made me feel a bit better :) Look at this beautiful baby!


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I'm so sorry for your loss, Oreo was a truely beautiful Piggie, it's so nice to what you have done in your Garden.

Sweet dreams Oreo, Popcorn free with all the other Piggies Over the Rainbow Bridge x
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Oreo, Jen. At least you made that tiny portion of his life a very happy one.

(Gorgeous doggie.)
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