Sows Suddenly Fighting


Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 8, 2014
Reaction score
Hey, so I've had two little sow sisters who are about exactly a year old now.
The past 3 days they've been fighting regularly.
Rumble strutting, teeth chattering and Nox has even torn a clump of Bo's fur out with her teeth.
I have no other guinea pigs.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?

The only recent changes I can think of are that I built them a 2x2 c&c loft just under a week ago.
And Nox has a badly ulcerated eye which has been getting treated with drops for the past 5 days.

Have both been fighting or is is mainly one Guinea rumbling, teeth chattering ect at the other?

If Nox is the main culprit in the fighting it could be because she is in pain and it's causing her to lash out or change behaviour?
Hey, so I've had two little sow sisters who are about exactly a year old now.
The past 3 days they've been fighting regularly.
Rumble strutting, teeth chattering and Nox has even torn a clump of Bo's fur out with her teeth.
I have no other guinea pigs.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?

The only recent changes I can think of are that I built them a 2x2 c&c loft just under a week ago.
And Nox has a badly ulcerated eye which has been getting treated with drops for the past 5 days.


It can well be that the new added territory can have sparked a new hierarchy sort-out, especially when it coincided with your top sow not being in top form.

if it is mainly one sow that winds the other up constantly, then you may want to have her checked for hormonal problems.