Southern Meet- Gauging Interest

Would you like a Southern Meet?

  • I'm down south and would love to come!

    Votes: 13 68.4%
  • I'm not down south but would love to come!

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
Good idea! There's a great Wetherspoons in Salisbury too about 10-15 mins walk from the Station. I'm sure it has rooms for those wanting to stay overnight.
What about considering Salisbury as a venue?
It has good park & ride is reasonably easy for those of us south / south west?

I'm happy to go to Salisbury for a meet :nod:
Perhaps we could even do Salisbury as an extra Southern meet? with London/Reading or wherever @Flutterby chooses for the original posts meet, to still give members who are slightly more northern the opportunity to come too? @Betsy @Merab's Slave @teddymouse any good for you?

Wish I could come!
You'd be more than welcome, but i think maybe jet lag would set in!
maybe an American meet or a Skyping US virtual meet could be done? :hmm:
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I'm happy to go to Salisbury for a meet :nod:
Perhaps we could even do Salisbury as an extra Southern meet? with London/Reading or wherever @Flutterby chooses for the original posts meet, to still give members who are slightly more northern the opportunity to come too? @Betsy @Merab's Slave @teddymouse any good for you?
I agree, Salisbury is a little far for us northerners - but there's no reason why you shouldn't have a meet of your own :tu:
Well that is 3 of us so far for Salisbury then. Me, @Merab's Slave and @GPTV. Shall we make a new thread for this? So that the 2 don't get confused @Flutterby?

My advice is

firstly decide who is going to organise the meet (it could be 1 or 2 people). The organiser needs to check out the venue ( you can do this on the phone if you want).
Things like...
... If anyone wants to do any fundraising selling - of things like cakes or home made items - it's best to get permission from the pub
... It may be possible to book a table or 2 for the meet.
... The pub may also be able to advise on dates to avoid if there are any events that would make the pub excessively busy.

The organiser needs to check the meet up area (this is usually at the railway station - but it is best to decide where - so people can know).

The organiser needs to be at the meet up area to do a meet and greet and it is preferable to provide a mobile contact number to people who have said they are coming - so people can notify you if they get delayed or can't come.

If 1 or 2 of you are happy to do this, I suggest you start a poll on a separate to decide a date.
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My advice is

firstly decide who is going to organise the meet (it could be 1 or 2 people). The organiser needs to check out the venue ( you can do this on the phone if you want).
Things like...
... If anyone wants to do any fundraising selling - of things like cakes or home made items - it's best to get permission from the pub
... It may be possible to book a table or 2 for the meet.
... The pub may also be able to advise on dates to avoid if there are any events that would make the pub excessively busy.

The organiser needs to check the meet up area (this is usually at the railway station - but it is best to decide where - so people can know).

The organiser needs to be at the meet up area to do a meet and greet and it is preferable to provide a mobile contact number to people who have said they are coming - so people can notify you if they get delayed or can't come. you are happy to do this, I suggest you start a poll on a separate to decide a date.

Gosh, such wise and comprehensive advice - you'd think you'd done this once or twice before @PiggyOwner ! :D:D:beer:xx
Salisbury is too far for us northerners so if some southerners want to meet some of up from up here it will need to be a bit more north in the south lol. If someone wants to arrange another meet further down though then go for it :D
It just depends on how far people are willing to travel. Us northerners travel all over the place for meets lol. To come down south for a few us of is a 3+ hour journey ;)
Hey - we know that southerners are more wimpy than northerners!
I go to Yorkshire a couple of times a year at least which is a 5 hour trip give or take a bit so appreciate the travelling.
It just depends on how far people are willing to travel. Us northerners travel all over the place for meets lol. To come down south for a few us of is a 3+ hour journey ;)

l know what you mean Flutterby,l'm a yorkshire lass gone
It’s looking as if 2 southern meets will allow more of us to come. It seems as if @Betsy and I can sort out one for Salisbury for the western southerners if @Flutterby continues with an eastern side. Thanks to @PiggyOwner for all the advice.
Is this ok with folks?

l'm willing to help ,can you tell me how l can messager you my phone no.?
I'd love to come but erm problem Scottish up here, Darn it!:hb: