Something growing on my piggies foot?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Chingford, London
Hey all. Can I have some advice please? My male pig Eric seems to have a claw that has grown twice as big as the others. Am not sure that this is bumblefoot? He doesn't appear to be in pain, the claw just seems to have swollen up though. I thought it was dried poo at first but it won't pick off and I didn't want to use force! Any advice much appreciated :-)
is it the actual claw or do you mean the pad, cause my boar has something that looks like poo on his both of his front pads but isnt and I got told it was a 'spur' (think thats what you call it :D )
yep a spur, like a piece of dead skin i think
" Spurs
Some guinea pigs develop flaps of tough skin that protrude from their front feet. These spurs can be carefully removed with a nail clipper to prevent accidental tearing. Avoid clipping too closely and causing bleeding.

Development of spurs does not seem to be related to the type of bedding or flooring used. The author notes only one of her three pigs grew spurs while the other two never had them. All cavies were kept on towels and/or heavy cotton cloth. Now 6 years old, Snowflake (a photo of her foot appears at the right) no longer grows spurs. A combination of genetics, activity level and husbandry may all contribute to their development.

V.C.G. Richardson calls these flaps corns and describes them as horny material between the toes on the underside of the foot, most commonly found on the forefeet. She recommends cleaning a trimmed foot with a dilute solution of povidone-iodine. She warns that poorly kept living quarters (abrasive bedding materials and/or a dirty floor) may lead to infection and the development of pododermatitis. "

from guinea lynx
yeah that deffinently sounds like what mines got, cant show you a picture cause it either says its too big or that the upload folder is full what ever that means?  :-\
if you want to post a pic, register with photobucket, and upload your pics on there. Then use the code to copy and paste onto here...your picture will (magically) appear!
yep definately a spur, one of mine gets them exactly the same as that
Nope this doesn't look like that. It's almost like a club foot only it's just one claw. I'll have to get a pic and load it on tomorrow.
One of my sows has developed a deformed claw in her old age. It's much thicker that the others and curls upwards. Nothing to worry about though and she is certainly not worried about it.
A pic would be good though.

Here you go[/IMG]

Is the claw calcifying or something? Hope the pic is clear enough. He didn't want to keep still!
sorry not sure what that is, :( gourgeous piggy by the way looks just like one of my boars ;D
wow it looks kind of like a fungal infection of the toenail. I have no idea what it is though ?
Its not the start of bumblefoot is it - what's his pad like. Is it swollen or got sores on it or any of his feet?
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