Someone Called Tove Ugly. ):

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Yeah, I'm my collies 3rd owner, all before the age of 1, he's now 14, the first owner didn't want him because he has a overshot jaw and the next was horrible and far to strict and went off to circus school but then found she was pregnant, I think she wanted him back but she had no chance.
My boy Kipp (dog) is a mix of god knows what.His ears are out of control, one may be up and one down and they are too big for his body, he has small bald patches.He is the most fun, loyal, loving dog.The other two are a black lab and a black and white collie.They get all the attention when we go out.
He always looks hard done by.He had a bad start.We were his sixth home in three years and was skinny and had infected scratches on his belly.Cost me 120 quid first week I had him.This is his best pal, my gorgeous Kendra.
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Poor boy! At least he found you eventually. Kendra looks a bit worried about having her (?) photo taken!
Tove is beautiful! Some people just don't think! I have a lot of people tell me that Sundae is 'freaky' because of her red eyes. They're all beautiful as far as I'm concerned!
Sorry I am so late to post on this but I am new and I had to respond! Tove is a very pretty piggy. I have a friend tht has a all black piggy named rocket and that's why I decided to get a few myself! I fell in love with him. Ican't tell you how many times people have said that Pika looks like a rat. And I have only had him for a few days.


Pita is beautiful.I have and have had a few red and pink eyed animals and love them dearly.
Tove is not ugly, can't say the same about many humans personalities though :td: I have just adopted two black boars I love how shiny their coats are and their eyes glisten :wub:

people are just mean! Don't listen too them! In the words of game of thrones "they know nothing" (well kinda the same words :D )
I don't understand why people have the prejudice against black animals. I think they are gorgeous! But hard to get a good photo of :)
Black cats are my favourites, yet they are often overlooked at shelters.
I have a gorgeous black lab Also rescued a jet black boar once but had to pass him on.He had the most beautiful saphirre blue eyes.Stunning pig.He was only with me one night but I so wanted to keep him.photo059_001.webp 2013-11-02 14.36.49.webp
Wow so listen to this. I was at the flower shop where I'm currently working, doing arrangements and talking about pets with a group of girls (it's a family owned business, so family and friends are constantly stopping by and hanging out.)

One of the girls is young and she asked me about my pets, and so I told her about my dogs, cats, and guinea pigs. She asked to see pictures of my pigs and I HAPPILY obliged. The little girl, like me, thought my pigs were adorable. The entire group of women came to see the picture and one of them remarked that Tuulikki, my tortoise shell abby, was "real cute" but Tove "the black one" was "chubby and plain." I didn't respond because I didn't want there to be awkwardness but omg, who does that? Tove is a beautiful, completely melanistic black guinea pig with the softest, shiniest fur. Why do people think black animals are plain? I adopted Tove because she was beautiful and because the shelter was concerned about people choosing more flashy colored animals over the black ones. How sad.
:( I know how you feel! Everyone thinks my gray one is plain.... I love her coat it is so pretty agouti with a white stripe and she even has a crest! COME ON PEOPLE ALL PIGGIES ARE CUTE!
Everyone used to say that my Ace was ugly but he was the sweetest pig ever.

He had this osseous metaplasia and a heart condition so his eyes weren't normal looking. He was handsome in his own way.

Everyone used to say that my Ace was ugly but he was the sweetest pig ever.

He had this osseous metaplasia and a heart condition so his eyes weren't normal looking. He was handsome in his own way.

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I think he's beautiful! I love unique piggies. Tove was unique to me cos she was all black.
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