Someone Called Tove Ugly. ):

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2015
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Wow so listen to this. I was at the flower shop where I'm currently working, doing arrangements and talking about pets with a group of girls (it's a family owned business, so family and friends are constantly stopping by and hanging out.)

One of the girls is young and she asked me about my pets, and so I told her about my dogs, cats, and guinea pigs. She asked to see pictures of my pigs and I HAPPILY obliged. The little girl, like me, thought my pigs were adorable. The entire group of women came to see the picture and one of them remarked that Tuulikki, my tortoise shell abby, was "real cute" but Tove "the black one" was "chubby and plain." I didn't respond because I didn't want there to be awkwardness but omg, who does that? Tove is a beautiful, completely melanistic black guinea pig with the softest, shiniest fur. Why do people think black animals are plain? I adopted Tove because she was beautiful and because the shelter was concerned about people choosing more flashy colored animals over the black ones. How sad.
Sorry some people think my white Gp having pink eyes is weird. Your gps both sound amazingly cute.
I have a saying that I have never met a Guinea pig I didn't like.
Sadly, the same cannot be applied to humans. :mal:
The piggies are your family members. Would they think it acceptable if you were sharing photos of your siblings/parents/children to make such an unkind or critical comments?
Just ignore the unkind comments. You see the beauty in your piggies (as do we).
I love black pigs.I have a black lab as well.Ignore her, she has no soul.I have three pigs with pink eyes and have had hamsters with pink eyes.Always wanted a black hamster.If I could find a black pig that needed rescued would take her in a flash and make room.Had a black pic overnight once because we had to get him out of bad circumstances but hubby wouldn't let me keep him.I fell in love instantly and hated giving him up.My kids,fell for him as well.
Some people think the same about my cookie she's an all brown piggy but I think she's beautiful :)
What a hurtful thing to say. Just ignore her. Both your piggies sound beautiful and I think you should share a pic with us.

I have a black cat and he gets lots of negative comments :(
I also don't think there's a single piggy that is ugly in the world :wub:
And while people is free to have their own opinions, of course, they should know that if you're going to say something that is not nice, maybe they should just not say anything. Because maybe for them is a silly thing to say, but for that person is not. Some people really lack of empathy.

And to the haters that simply verbally attack a piggy (in a really nasty way), the best is to just ignore them. Because they just want attention. Really sad.
All piggies are beautiful. That woman is lucky she did not say that about mine, Id punch her. Bet she was no looker herself either. I cant believe some people.
What a hurtful thing to say. Just ignore her. Both your piggies sound beautiful and I think you should share a pic with us.

I have a black cat and he gets lots of negative comments :(


Tove! I took this a couple of months ago to try and capture her shine. Didn't quite work but she still looked cute lol. She's sitting on my leg in this. Which is her version of floor time. :/ I can't remember where Tuulikki was when I took this. Probably running.

Also, I hate when people talk smack about black cats. I think they're beautiful. Poor things have the hardest time finding homes, though. When I volunteered at the shelter near me, black cats and dogs were free on Fridays, except around Halloween. Around that time we'd pull black cats off the adoption floor and place them in foster homes or the private cages out of fear for their safety. People do some really cruel things to black cats right around Halloween here.
I can beat that.... my 2 youngest children... son coming up 14 and daughter 11, son is stocky (or if you prefer chubby) and daughter is slight and tall (skinny if you prefer) son looks just like my husband and daughter looks like me.... showing pictures to a work colleague who said "oh well at least its better to have a short fat boy than a short fat girl so I guess the genes are round the right way"... I was offended I just had to walk away otherwise I probably would have dismissed for knocking her out!
I can beat that.... my 2 youngest children... son coming up 14 and daughter 11, son is stocky (or if you prefer chubby) and daughter is slight and tall (skinny if you prefer) son looks just like my husband and daughter looks like me.... showing pictures to a work colleague who said "oh well at least its better to have a short fat boy than a short fat girl so I guess the genes are round the right way"... I was offended I just had to walk away otherwise I probably would have dismissed for knocking her out!

OH MY GOD. I definitely could not have held myself back from that. Poking fun at a guinea pig is one thing, but a human child? So rude. Actually, not just rude, that's really cruel. I'm happy he didn't have to hear that, a comment like that can haunt a child all the way through adulthood and make them think there's something wrong with how they look when there's nothing wrong with them at all. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
I have 5 children... 4 are skinny and 1 isn't and I have to say I have spent a lot of time defending him when people poke fun that he isn't like the others!
View attachment 49391

Tove! I took this a couple of months ago to try and capture her shine. Didn't quite work but she still looked cute lol. She's sitting on my leg in this. Which is her version of floor time. :/ I can't remember where Tuulikki was when I took this. Probably running.

Also, I hate when people talk smack about black cats. I think they're beautiful. Poor things have the hardest time finding homes, though. When I volunteered at the shelter near me, black cats and dogs were free on Fridays, except around Halloween. Around that time we'd pull black cats off the adoption floor and place them in foster homes or the private cages out of fear for their safety. People do some really cruel things to black cats right around Halloween here.

Aww, she is beautiful :) Thank you for sharing.

I know what you mean about black cats. We don't let Dexter out around Halloween through fear of what might happen to him :( He was one of four kittens and we chose him as nobody else wanted him :( it's such a shame as he's so sweet and really has grown in to a lovely cat x
Have heard about black cats having a hard time being adopted (which I don't understand, I always loved them in particular), but didn't know at all that people did nasty things to them around Halloween...That's awful.

@niklovesrats :hb:
View attachment 49391

Tove! I took this a couple of months ago to try and capture her shine. Didn't quite work but she still looked cute lol. She's sitting on my leg in this. Which is her version of floor time. :/ I can't remember where Tuulikki was when I took this. Probably running.

Also, I hate when people talk smack about black cats. I think they're beautiful. Poor things have the hardest time finding homes, though. When I volunteered at the shelter near me, black cats and dogs were free on Fridays, except around Halloween. Around that time we'd pull black cats off the adoption floor and place them in foster homes or the private cages out of fear for their safety. People do some really cruel things to black cats right around Halloween here.
She looks very similar to my pig Georgie x
Some people are very immature and see animals as fashion accessories unfortunately, all my animals are gorgeous to me. You did good by ignoring the silly comment.

PS - She's gorgeous.
This is the reason I hate people! They are so cruel and just plain ignorant. We were blessed with the power of speech we should use it wisely not to bring others down. what right does she have slagging off an innocent animal? What an absolute idiot I suppose it's best to just ignore people like this no point wasting your breath on them at least you love her and that's all that matters :)

Black Guineas are beautiful here's my Florence :)
That's so sad :( black animals are beautiful and Tove is no exception! I've had two black dogs and there is definitly a stigma around them too. We did a lot of black-doggy PR with a particular section of the community . Also had a black horse, but I think with Black Beauty/ Black Stallion, there is not such a negative association there!

My OH does not want any more piggies than our three (and nor do I really - three is enough) *but* if he found a neutered black boar I think he would bring him home! He really would like a black pig!
What an awful human creature. I would've looked her dead in the eyes and whispered "that's racist" XD People like that are why I would prefer to have a herd of piggies than be in a crowd of people. Sometimes I'm worried that the stupidity is catching XD

Oh and btw, what a cutie. Must be a nightmare to see her in the dark though, I have trouble with my Bella who's black and tan! Haters gunna hate little piggy, but you are fabulous.

Also I cannot believe that people would discriminate against an animal for being a black cat on Halloween, how positively dreadful. They'll be burning them at the stake next smh. I'm not aware of such problems where I live, I don't think anyone cares about colour or breed so much.
I had 2 self black rats once
They use to get called ugly by visiters
I would promptly throw them out my house for saying my rats were ugly for being black
Thats racist i think and they couldn't understand why i was getting upset...
Some people just have to say something nasty, I think they think it's clever. Tove is beautiful, I love black animals they always have a lovely shinny coat. When I adopted a cat from the RSPCA they picked two out for me to choose from whose temperaments they thought would suit my situation. One was a pedigree, very beautiful and very adoptable, I chose the little black one after it was explained they found it virtually impossible to rehome plain black cats. That cat was my constant companion through life's ups and downs for 19 years, I couldn't have asked for more in looks or temperament.
What! How shallow are they?!?
It annoys me when people can't see past the colour of an animals coat. Who gives a stuff if its black brown orange white etc!?

Guess I'm biased anyway - I always pick the animals that have something a bit different about them etc.

I was always the fat boring kid at school-but I'm glad to say I think I'm a far nicer person than a lot of my fellow classmates (or workmates now).

The girls dont care what I look like as long as I provide their food, attention, cuddles &medical support when needed ,they love me as I am :))
Sounds like those family members need some of my girls ideals ;)
Its personality not looks for me every time!

Anyway what one person finds attractive another might not, that's what makes us all individuals.

Quite a relief really wouldn't want to be one of those boring dim, senseless buttonheads for anything! :lose: :hb: !

Ps tove is lovely :drool: :luv:
Some people are very immature and see animals as fashion accessories unfortunately, all my animals are gorgeous to me. You did good by ignoring the silly comment.

PS - She's gorgeous.

Right? So many dogs get passed up because they don't look like what people expect them to look like. My Akita-mix is so poorly built and has awkward movements because of it, but she's the most loyal, protective, obedient, gentle dog I've ever encountered.
This is the reason I hate people! They are so cruel and just plain ignorant. We were blessed with the power of speech we should use it wisely not to bring others down. what right does she have slagging off an innocent animal? What an absolute idiot I suppose it's best to just ignore people like this no point wasting your breath on them at least you love her and that's all that matters :)

Black Guineas are beautiful here's my Florence :)
View attachment 49477

Awww! She looks like Tove. I think black piggies look regal. Florence is such a fitting name.
I had 2 self black rats once
They use to get called ugly by visiters
I would promptly throw them out my house for saying my rats were ugly for being black
Thats racist i think and they couldn't understand why i was getting upset...

Wow, I feel like owners of rats have it really hard. People think they're "gross" without knowing how smart and affectionate they are.
View attachment 49391

Tove! I took this a couple of months ago to try and capture her shine. Didn't quite work but she still looked cute lol. She's sitting on my leg in this. Which is her version of floor time. :/ I can't remember where Tuulikki was when I took this. Probably running.

Also, I hate when people talk smack about black cats. I think they're beautiful. Poor things have the hardest time finding homes, though. When I volunteered at the shelter near me, black cats and dogs were free on Fridays, except around Halloween. Around that time we'd pull black cats off the adoption floor and place them in foster homes or the private cages out of fear for their safety. People do some really cruel things to black cats right around Halloween here.
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