So I Had A Dream...

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I haven't read through all the posts but aren't dreams like that horrible. I had one a little while ago (a couple actually) about losing nibbles in different circumstances. Thy were horrible! I checked on them once I woke up lol
I haven't read through all the posts but aren't dreams like that horrible. I had one a little while ago (a couple actually) about losing nibbles in different circumstances. Thy were horrible! I checked on them once I woke up lol
I know there awful, I had an evil dream last night where Frank got so frail and Ill his eyes had turned red and he looked like a rat :( and I had to pts.... Depressing much... Mean whilst the other half had a nice dream about having loads of free ranging piggies!
It would be so cute :o considering by 8 weeks he was already fluffy.... :o he should, I'll allow him to do what he wants and have no part of it ;)! Hahaha

Now now ladies, confine yourselves! We'll have no talk of pimping that piggy - poor thing! :lol!:
Now now ladies, confine yourselves! We'll have no talk of pimping that piggy - poor thing! :lol!:
Pimp my ride move over - pimp my pig.

On a serious note, I would never pimp my Bert no matter how adorable his spawn would be!
Were you waving at the Welsh ones? If so they're not as friendly as us English wombles. :))
I had a dream a few months ago about my guinea pigs taking part in a scheme to rob a bank and they got away with it, then they gave me a third of 40 million pounds and I ended up spoiling them and making them happier....
When I woke up the next morning a bank had been robbed of £40.

Creepy of what.....
They're worse than the Welsh ones! :))
I think you should complain, and make it traffic officer policy to thumbs up back! Paha! There was two cars as well ... God knows why four of them needed to sit in the same spot!
I had a dream a few months ago about my guinea pigs taking part in a scheme to rob a bank and they got away with it, then they gave me a third of 40 million pounds and I ended up spoiling them and making them happier....
When I woke up the next morning a bank had been robbed of £40.

Creepy of what.....
That is a tad creepy!!
I had a strange un-piggie dream last night. I was trying to cycle from Southend back to Chelmsford, on a one-wheeled bicycle - but the one wheel was just a big roll of cellotape!
Some people say that every dream has a meaning. If anyone can find a meaning in that dream, I'll be very surprised!
I had a strange un-piggie dream last night. I was trying to cycle from Southend back to Chelmsford, on a one-wheeled bicycle - but the one wheel was just a big roll of cellotape!
Some people say that every dream has a meaning. If anyone can find a meaning in that dream, I'll be very surprised!
Some of these dreams are hilarious!

I often have awful dreams. I had a dream the other night that my friends dog got a hold of Amber... well I woke up feeling like an emotional wreck from that one.

Last night I dreamt I was about to enter the hunger games. When a sword magically appeared in my hands and we all took a stand against people in the capital. I was running through tall grass and hiding in muddy ditches trying to survive.

As you can see... lovely positive dreams. :P
Some of these dreams are hilarious!

I often have awful dreams. I had a dream the other night that my friends dog got a hold of Amber... well I woke up feeling like an emotional wreck from that one.

Last night I dreamt I was about to enter the hunger games. When a sword magically appeared in my hands and we all took a stand against people in the capital. I was running through tall grass and hiding in muddy ditches trying to survive.

As you can see... lovely positive dreams. :P
The first dream is the sort I have... But not the hunger games one! Lol
I think you should complain, and make it traffic officer policy to thumbs up back! Paha! There was two cars as well ... God knows why four of them needed to sit in the same spot!

It could be where they were parked was a turnround point for 2 adjacent patrol beats so they were having a chinwag. ;) ignorant I know, but if you were sat waving like a loon, they probably thought you'd escaped from a local day ward! :raz: :lol!:
It could be where they were parked was a turnround point for 2 adjacent patrol beats so they were having a chinwag. ;) ignorant I know, but if you were sat waving like a loon, they probably thought you'd escaped from a local day ward! :raz: :lol!:
I simply have a thumbs up ! Gosh! Hahaah
I once dreamed that I was cycling through a muddy field and getting no-where fast. I was starting to feel a bit panicky.
I remember that I told myself in the dream "Its all right. Its only a dream!"
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