So I Had A Dream...

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The Furry Godmother

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2014
Reaction score
A song to sing....

Anyway, on a serious well, real note. Last night I had a rather odd dream that just will not leave my mind after my lovely friend Becs reminded me of it.

The dream:

Basically, for some reason an inexperienced friend of mine was looking after my two boys and three of @guineabecs girls (2 skinnies and popcorn :love:). For some reason, after floor time, she put Frank in with Popcorn (who did try his luck bless his little soul) and Bert in with the other two girlies (can imagine how happy the fuzzy one was... Mount Olympics much).

Some time later I returned to what must have been a horrific scene to me... And I quickly seperated them.... And gave a few stern words.... Before sitting for ages worrying about what I should tell Becs.... As I felt so let down by the boys being so misbehaved and getting girlies possibly pregnant with no protection....

Needless to say the worry woke me up! Haha

Dreams are so odd, either that or I am....

Just thought I'd share.... ;)
Dreams are odd at times... Possibly one of the worst I ever had involved Paul Robinson from Neighbours and a bank heist... all very random. Sorry I realise this comment is most irrelevant :)
Dreams are odd at times... Possibly one of the worst I ever had involved Paul Robinson from Neighbours and a bank heist... all very random. Sorry I realise this comment is most irrelevant :)
Neighbours? Really Lee? ;)
That erm, sounds rather interesting to say the least!
Oh I always have these terrible dreams about multiplying piggies :eek: And despite the fact I have two girls and two boys it never seems to happen the normal way! Last dream was maybe a week ago when the c&c stacked cages collapsed and the boys were in with the girls but... there were extra piggies in there who weren't related and were adults... how does this happen?!? I swear I know how babies are made but somehow nothing logical happens this way with my pigs in these dreams haha :))
It was he was dressed up as a clown... I got trapped in the bank and he was stopping me leaving at every exit. I hate clowns, spiders and have added Stefan Dennis to the list. The weird thing was he was once training in Wolverhampton Fitness first next to me on a treadmill.. He didn't stop me leaving though so all was cool :) nor was he dressed in a clown outfit...
:)) :))

I have had weird piggy dreams too! One was that both my girls were pregnant and I started crying in my dream because I didn't want them to have babies as I thought they were past that age haha. Another was that I found a piggy in my cupcake box on top of the cupboard one morning, haha so random!
Oh I always have these terrible dreams about multiplying piggies :eek: And despite the fact I have two girls and two boys it never seems to happen the normal way! Last dream was maybe a week ago when the c&c stacked cages collapsed and the boys were in with the girls but... there were extra piggies in there who weren't related and were adults... how does this happen?!? I swear I know how babies are made but somehow nothing logical happens this way with my pigs in these dreams haha :))

Oh god, haha, these ways do sound rather, erm strange ;)! Hahaha! Bless!

It was he was dressed up as a clown... I got trapped in the bank and he was stopping me leaving at every exit. I hate clowns, spiders and have added Stefan Dennis to the list. The weird thing was he was once training in Wolverhampton Fitness first next to me on a treadmill.. He didn't stop me leaving though so all was cool :) nor was he dressed in a clown outfit...

Uch, clowns ;o sounds like a nightmare not a dream.

I have had weird piggy dreams too! One was that both my girls were pregnant and I started crying in my dream because I didn't want them to have babies as I thought they were past that age haha. Another was that I found a piggy in my cupcake box on top of the cupboard one morning, haha so random!

Haha, there so random and weird, I had one where Bert got out the cage and was living life freely all over the room and I had to actually get up and check! Bless you!

Apologies for hijacking this thread....

I hand it back to piggy dreams :)

Tut tut you ;)
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