Smokey and Bacon!

Bacon has become so vocal, beard him wheek for the first time ever when he moved downstairs, he used to be so quiet but he’s really come out of his shell lately 36406435-F97B-4EE3-9841-A4C1431F88B6.webpAF97817B-41FE-4569-8D52-56146474C879.webpD1142418-788A-462E-9C28-D23C474D2FED.webp4A67746B-39A8-42E8-9AB7-7B5C9591D50B.webp25C1FD55-218D-4A04-9B7C-639BA7F0B1C3.webpC8651D43-D601-4280-8764-0AB97F33A85B.webp96F1FC87-6B50-4DED-AD6C-0EF265F8D735.webpE8E75BB1-2D57-4CD0-AA4F-606974CA035D.webpFE7B39BB-C243-44E5-9DF2-307ED5D4BAAB.webpB21D87EC-A853-4922-AEE5-390695D93B1B.webp

Believe it or not, if you lift his black fur at his back legs/bum area you will find a lovely bright orange patch!
And Smokey’s turn, with his lovely white belly and bum patch! If you follow my piggy Instagram there’s a really cute photo just gone up (It’s a slow motion with Smokey jumping, my Instagram for the boys is Smokey_and_Bacon for anyone not following who wants to) 62461D7B-6257-4337-8F29-7E4648BC239D.webp680496E8-A5CF-4971-BCEE-7D629616144C.webpEB9AD641-3601-4B02-8DAC-903F151D75B4.webp5E35B4DF-45DE-4F85-9F5C-F16D40C20F57.webp692051D9-4974-4A9E-9211-377AFF044C7F.webp2879C3A0-9C7A-4C71-94C5-B95B91AF0FCF.webp527892D5-9023-4768-8AC3-E6672722F0DF.webp25319833-529A-46A9-9C2D-694772ED218B.webp23F2B8D2-13B1-4F5E-A2E9-31AB19D6E8A8.webp
New phone camera, so the boys are being my literal guinea pigs to test it out!
If I knew where you lived I’d come pignap them. That came out creepier than it should 😳 they remind me so much of my boys, they’re gorgeous 😘