Don't give up!
I have been an over eater most of my life - I was never happy with being large but for many years now have let my weight creep up - something must have 'clicked' in August I still don't know what but I realised I was way too fat for me and saw a Slimming World class was starting in my village so went along and never looked back!
Until recently it has been all due to me putting my stubborn head on and sorting out my bad food habits and dealing with the overeating side of things, excercise has only just come into it now.
I eat loads now but of the right/good foods - not the naughty/bad for me foods! I use to eat a large bag of crisps or tube of pringles a day, slice of cake, choc bar a day and a glass of wine or a beer daily - I can see now why I was putting on weight!
I still have treats - but difference is I'm in control now
I have stuck to it for 6 months - I have cut out most bread (max of 1 slice a day now) I don't have cake unless it's my birthday or if I go to a vegan festival about 3 times a year - and I stick to 1 pud/cake slice not several! I only have 1 glass of wine now a week, and have banned crisps.
Looking at my weight loss most I lost was 1st week 3.5lb my average is between 1 and 2lb, since Sept I've stayed the same once and put on 1/2lb at Christmas.
I have now hit the brick wall - at 1/2lb off 2.5stone - I'm now doing Zumba once a week and Body Tone once, plus I try and walk home twice a week, my 16 jeans are now feeling loose but I can't get in a 14 yet, still wear all my older 18's in tops and in fact have some size 20 cardys I still wear but they do look big now.
So I need a kickstart again after my birthday weekend - I as the same after Christmas! I'd still like to lose another 2 stone maybe 2.5stone as I am still too big, I feel better now but still a fair way to go.
Might and not decided yet, stop going to weigh in as I can get weighed for free at my fitness class each week as she does weight managment. Seems pointless going to SW at £5 just for weigh in - could go to another class instead!
I find if I eat less I dont lose weight - the odd day of over eating seems to kick start things, as does having my 'syns' - bit of dark choc daily - 2 cubes not a bar!
Hope you lose some weight soon - sounds like you do a good excercise plan and eat well - do allow a few small treats - I find they keep me going - I tend to always save a few syns for the evening like chocolate!
Sorry, I'm waffling on