New Born Pup
Hi everyone,
I really want to do my best by them, please stay with me and support me. Any advice or kind words to keep me going.
I have taken on 3 boars last night. I have never owned Guinea pigs before.
The family I took them from asked me for help as I have a farm yard of animals. They have kept them fed pellets, lots of hay and watered, a reptile lamp and clean their cage/kitchens twice a week.
They all have skin problems which I have put coconut oil on them and it is looking a lot better.
I didn’t realise how poorly one was. I cleaned them up, cut their nails and weighed them.
I have separated the poorly one.
I have started syringe feeding critical care every 2 hours and my daughter stays up late so she fed him at 1am and I fed at 7am.
No poops in cage this morning apart from 3 tiny not normal poops.
I can add photos but they are not pretty.
Please stay with me on this journey, I am determined to get the pig well again.
I really want to do my best by them, please stay with me and support me. Any advice or kind words to keep me going.
I have taken on 3 boars last night. I have never owned Guinea pigs before.
The family I took them from asked me for help as I have a farm yard of animals. They have kept them fed pellets, lots of hay and watered, a reptile lamp and clean their cage/kitchens twice a week.
They all have skin problems which I have put coconut oil on them and it is looking a lot better.
I didn’t realise how poorly one was. I cleaned them up, cut their nails and weighed them.
I have separated the poorly one.
I have started syringe feeding critical care every 2 hours and my daughter stays up late so she fed him at 1am and I fed at 7am.
No poops in cage this morning apart from 3 tiny not normal poops.
I can add photos but they are not pretty.
Please stay with me on this journey, I am determined to get the pig well again.