Single Boar Advice Please..

Trev is quite up and down. I am having to keep stepping in with syringe food. He now has two neighbours which seems to have helped a little. I’m weighing him daily but he either manages to maintain or is loosing. He did have some cow pat style poop that wasn’t formed yesterday at around 4.30pm but he hasn’t pooped since. His poops have been formed but soft for a little over a week before this.. and he’s been off veg since then as I read on here that is what is advised. I am fairly worried and since this was kind of thrown on me, financially I cannot manage huge vet bills, or really any vet bills if I’m honest. I am slowly starting a vet fund but it’s not something I have readily available at this time. Also he keeps making a choking sound at least a few times a day. Which panics me every single time. His wheek at times sounds like he’s loosing his voice. He doesn’t really go in his hide. He just sits in the hay for most of the day although he’s currently sat on top of his seagrass house looking at me.

I feel very stuck. He is 100% getting better treatment than he had in his previous home but I do feel like I’m failing him.
Oh bless you. You’ve done a wonderful thing to have taken him in.

Maintaining is fine, losing obviously isn’t. How much weight is he losing?
If he isn’t eating enough hay you need to be consistently syringe feeding him daily, enough that he doesn’t lose any more weight.

Youve done the right thing in stopping veg. He needs his gut to rebalance with a high fibre diet of plenty of hay and syringe feeding.
He may also benefit from a probiotic - Fibreplex, pro c - to rebalance his system.

Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)

I understand that is financially difficult for you but he if he is unwell he does need a vet.

Tell us some more about the two neighbours he now has.
I tried too.
I didn’t think he would be this unwell, I was told he was healthy. In speaking to his previous owner about the lack of hay, appararently he’s never really eaten hay. Hard to believe (I know they are supposed to constantly eat hay for fibre and for their teeth) but that’s what i was told yesterday. Apparently all he ate was the pick n mix style food. And now he’s apparently 2 and not 1 year old.

He is currently 603g as of this morning. He’s put on weight since yesterday. I am syringe feeding. I will stay consistent.

I am very aware he needs a vet but I cannot afford it as of now. I’ve spent a lot of money getting him out of the situation he was in. All of which was not budgeted for, or planned. I wish I had an unlimited supply of money or a credit card but I have neither and bills to pay and children to feed. I am also a single parent who is unable to work due to having a child with SEN.

The only other option, if what I’m doing is insufficient, is to take him to a rescue. There is one locally that has a policy that they don’t PTS unless it’s in the best interest of the animal. They have a very good reputation. I just feel torn. I want to do what is best for him.
Unfortunately people who want rid of an animal will say all sorts to get them gone.
It’s excellent that he has put on some weight, keeping going with it and he will get there. He is still 50g lighter than he was two weeks ago (on 27 July he was 653g) though you need to just keep an eye on that and make sure he isn’t continuing in a downward trend over a longer period of time.
You are doing really well for him, please don’t think you’re not.
Getting him onto a good diet will do him good but if he has never had any hay then he needs to learn what it is!

Have you got two more piggies? You mention neighbours?
I know. It’s just a shame I feel a bit helpless for him. Yes everyone said he shouldn’t be alone and how depressed they get being alone. I was worried about getting a male and them not bonding and then having two lonely piggies. I was also worried about if Trev doesn’t do well, having another male alone. I read that the next best thing is other piggies they can hear and see.

He has two sows living next door to him who he seems to enjoy talking too. They are called Rosie & Willow. Rosie is crested.. Willow is I think Abby. I am putting aside money monthly into a vet fund. (Here is a photo of the girls and of Trev)


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I know it’s hard, don’t get disheartened. A good diet and lots of love and hopefully he will put on weight and do very well!

Oh they are gorgeous!
Yes, being able to interact through the bars will give him companionship.
Have you double checked yourself to make sure they are both definitely sows?

A vet fund is always a good idea. Unfortunately piggies are not the cheap, easy pets people think they are.
Thank you.
He has unlimited access to two kinds of hay (just incase he was being fussy) a table spoon of pellets (not pick and mix) and currently no veg until poops improve. Fresh water daily and tops ups with CC.

I have checked and in my unprofessional opinion both girls. I’ve been doing lots of research and practically live on the forum now but I am doing my absolute best and will continue to do so.

Should I change the name of my thread or start a new one.. a place for updates and progress. Or just stick with this one?
That’s perfect, he has a brilliant diet now.

You can stick with this one about Trev’s issues because we then have all the previous information in one place. It just makes things much easier for us to help you!
You could start a new thread to introduce the girls properly though!
Just wanted to say after reading your post how brilliantly you have done, from rescuing Trev, to looking after him so well 😊
Wishing Trev and the little ones a happy and healthy life, they are a credit to you
Just wanted to say after reading your post how brilliantly you have done, from rescuing Trev, to looking after him so well 😊
Wishing Trev and the little ones a happy and healthy life, they are a credit to you
Thank you. Thank is really kind of you to say. I appreciate it. :)
Just caught up with the thread. What a situation to be put in! My first pigs were meant to be male and one ended up being a pregnant female. One month later 2 babies were running about. I was a bit in a flap panicking but everyone here is so welcoming and reassuring; not to mention the oodles of information. You're in the right place.

How much is Trev being syringed in 24hrs?
Oh my goodness. That’s a lot to handle. I’m glad you found the forum and felt reassured and supported. I hope mum and babies were well.
He has been trying with hay a little more today so I’m hopeful. I feel like he is eating it just not as fast as you would expect.
He’s had 3 lots today and sped through his pellets this morning.
I will weigh him again first thing tomorrow as I’m doing it daily before he gets his pellets in the mornings. I’m trying to be led by the weight.
Oh my goodness. That’s a lot to handle. I’m glad you found the forum and felt reassured and supported. I hope mum and babies were well.
He has been trying with hay a little more today so I’m hopeful. I feel like he is eating it just not as fast as you would expect.
He’s had 3 lots today and sped through his pellets this morning.
I will weigh him again first thing tomorrow as I’m doing it daily before he gets his pellets in the mornings. I’m trying to be led by the weight.
Yes they are all well and thriving. Mum will be 2 in a few weeks and the babies will be 2 in December.

As he's not really eating much hay, aim for 100ml of syringe feed within 24hrs (a healthy adult piggy can easily eat 120ml+ in 24hrs). Still give him fresh hay and his pellets.

Following an operation on my Cyril, I needed to syringe feed him every 2hrs for about a week. Its not easy, but worth it.
How lucky is he that you rescued him! I've nothing else to add to the advice you've already been given but just wanted to say we'll done you and thank you for rescuing him, you'll have a little friend for life there! 😍❤️
Oh my goodness. That’s a lot to handle. I’m glad you found the forum and felt reassured and supported. I hope mum and babies were well.
He has been trying with hay a little more today so I’m hopeful. I feel like he is eating it just not as fast as you would expect.
He’s had 3 lots today and sped through his pellets this morning.
I will weigh him again first thing tomorrow as I’m doing it daily before he gets his pellets in the mornings. I’m trying to be led by the weight.
As suggested above, continue syringe feeding him maybe every two hours (not overnight though, you need your rest). Eating his pellets quickly won’t help as they make up such a small portion of his diet. You’re aiming for maintenance/increase (though the latter may be only a few grams).

How has his weight been over the past few days?
Have been trying to be as close to 2 hourly as possible today. However I’m not sure if it’s the heat but it’s been a struggle getting him to eat and I feel we’ve made more mess than progress.
He’s been sleeping alot more than normal today. Fully out in the open in a corner with his eyes closed.
He’s been off his veg for maybe a week now and still no improvement to the poops. Today he’s done a few more than he has been but they’re still wet and some are stringy and clumpy.
I would consider having him checked again if his poops are still not normal despite no veg. So sorry there are all these things being thrown at you. You’re doing really well.

How Was his weight this morning?
Unfortunately it’s a sad update. I lost Trev this afternoon. I’m trying to take comfort in the fact that in his last couple of weeks he was well looked after and loved. 🌈
Oh no I’m so sad to hear that.
I’m sorry for your loss.
You are absolutely right - he knew love since he came to live with you
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I'm so sorry for your loss. You did everything you could and more, for that I'm sure Trev was incredibly thankful. Take time to grieve.
I am so sorry for your loss, but at least he died knowing he was loved after finally having a home where he was cared for properly.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
I am so sorry you lost Trev despite all your efforts. Trev will have known just how much you cared for him though so take heart from that :hug:

Sleep tight little man 🌈